873-1/20/148 (West side)
18/06/70 Nos.82, 83 AND 84
Royal Terrace GV II Formerly known as: Nos.1-3 ROYAL TERRACE.
3 houses at end of terrace. 1816. Rendered, slate roofs.
One-room width, double-depth plan with double roof to central
valley, and side entry to rear dogleg stair and lower service
EXTERIOR: 3 storeys, attic and basement developing to full 4
storeys at the rear where the ground falls away. Each 3
windows, sashes to stone sills, those to the first floor taken
down to floor level. No.82 has 2 original flat-roofed dormers
with 2-light casements above plain sashes, but at first floor
the upper sashes retain bars, and have small individual C20
balcony railings. Ground floor has a full-width shop front
incorporating the original doorway. No.83 has 2 dormers as
No.82, but retains 9-pane sashes at second floor and 15-pane
at first floor, with individual cast-iron balconies; it has a
full-width C20 shop front. No.84, the end house of the
terrace, has 2 gabled dormers, 4-pane sash at second floor and
plain sash to first and ground floors; the basement has
glazing-bar sashes. The door, to the left, is on 8 tiled
steps, in a plain arched reveal with an original panelled door
under a radial fanlight. A deep plain band at basement level,
a plain band to first floor, moulded cornice, blocking course,
cut down opposite one of the dormers to No.83, and parapet,
with 2 stacks to each right party wall. Across the full front
of No.84, returned to the door and stopped to the outer end by
a rendered wall, are original spearhead railings, with a gate
to the flight of stone basement steps.
The rear of Nos 82 & 83, which is rendered, has an eaves roof
rather than a parapet as the remainder. Some of the work is in
English garden wall bonding. No.82 has an early 3-storey
gabled wing, and a C20 tiled extension; No.83 has 2 dormers,
and No.84 a lower hipped service range. The right-hand gable,
to Gloucester Street, is plain.
Royal Terrace was originally of 18 houses, built in 2 phases,
with 2 end ranges of 3 houses each slightly stepped forward
from and higher than the central 12; this is the right-hand
three of that original composition, built in the first phase.
INTERIOR: not inspected.
(RCHME: Dorset, South-East: London: 1970-: 354).
Listing NGR: SY6797879321
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Books and journals Inventory of Dorset II South East, (1970), 354
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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