SK 64 NE (south side)
4/62 The Old Rectory
7.8.52 II
Rectory, now house. Early C18 with some early and mid C18
outbuildings, late C18 garden front and alterations to the
entrance front, some later C19 and C20 alterations. Entrance
front, redbrick. Plain tile roof. 2 red brick gable stacks.
Raised, brick coped gables with kneelers. Dentil eaves. Double
depth plan. 2 storeys, 3 bays. Central doorway with panelled
door and decorative glazing bar overlight. Porch with 2 slim
columns and dentil cornice. Either side are single tripartite
glazing bar sashes under segmental arches. Above left is a
single, smaller glazing bar sash with similar glazing bar
casement on the right, both under segmental arches and single
central dropped round arched stair light. To the left of the
right sash is a further window. To the right, set back, is an
early C18 red brick and plain tile lower 2 storey, 4 bay stable
with domestic accommodation above. Raised, brick coped gable.
Dentil eaves. Single C20 buttress at the right angle. Having
from left to right a round arched archway, 2 doorways with plank
doors, the right being smaller and a single glazing bar sash.
Above is a single casement and to the right a single
quadripartite casement both with lead glazing bars. Further
right is a mid C18 red brick and plain tile single storey 3 bay
outbuilding. Raised, brick coped gable with kneeler and remains
of dogtooth eaves. Having from left to right a single glazing
bar fixed light, a doorway with double garage door and a single
small fixed light. To the left of the house and set back is a
red brick and plain tile lower 2 storey 2 bay wing. Raised,
brick coped gable with kneeler. Projecting red brick and pantile
single storey lean-to with single C20 glazing bar fixed light, to
the left is a projecting red brick and pantile single storey wing
with 2 C20 glazing bar casements in the side wall. Garden front
with some ashlar and slate roof. 2 red brick gable stacks.
Raised gables with kneelers, now rendered. Moulded eaves
cornice. Set on a narrow plinth. Ground floor ashlar sill band.
Two and a half storeys, 3 bays, the single central bay slightly
projects and is topped with an open pediment. Central doorway, 5
steps up, with glazing bar and panelled door, panelled reveal and
Gothick glazing bar overlight. The projecting hood, supported on
wrought iron brackets, has a modillion cornice. Either side are
single late C19 red brick and lead canted bays each with 3
glazing bar sashes divided by single ashlar pilasters with
entablature. Above, central glazing bar sash flanked by single,
similar slightly larger sashes. Above are 3 small glazing bar
sashes following the same pattern. First and second floor sashes
have flush ashlar lintels with keystones. To the right, set
back, is a heightened red brick and plain tile wing with raised,
brick coped gable, ashlar coped kneeler and dentil eaves. 2
storey single bay with doorway with C20 glazing bar double door
and above a single glazing bar sash. Projecting from the right
is a red brick and tile single storey range with 3 doorways with
double glazing bar doors and fanlights in the side wall and 2
glazing bar sashes to the front. To the left, set back is the
early C18 range. Having round arched archway and to the left a
single small C20 glazing bar casement. Above are 4 glazing bar
sashes. Further left is the late C18 range with doorway with
plank door.
Listing NGR: SK6818747549
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