5/85 Ketteringham Hall
Country house, late C16, remodelled in Gothick style c.1839 with addition
of hall and conservatory by Thomas Allason for Sir John Boileau; additions
and alterations of 1852 by Thomas Jeckell (Jekyll). Brick, formerly colour-
washed, plain tiles. C16 half H to south-west infilled to south-west 1852.
North-east range extended by front range c.18Q0, remodelled c.1839.
Principal facade to north-east: symmetrical, 9 bays, 2 storeys and attic,
hipped roof behind embattled parapet. Double string course with sawtooth
cornice to parapet extending to returns and C16 wings and continuing to
pediment over central 3 bays. Clasping polygonal angle buttresses with
embattled turrets rising above parapet. Central 3 bays articulated by
square pilasters rising above parapet with pyramidal caps; embattled
pediment; canted porch to ground floor with flat roof having quatrefoil
panels to parapet, buttresses at porch angles rising to crocketted
pinnacles; central cant in limestone ashlar with Gothick doorway having
shields in spandrels with initials (IPB and CSB, John Peter Boileau and
Catherine Boileau); Gothick lights with Y tracery in wood to left and right.
cants. Stone shield to pediment over blocked light showing Boileau arms
with many quarters. Ground floor bays 1-3 and 7-9 with tall openings under
square hood moulds of 3 Gothick-headed lights, all mullions of wood; first
floor with similar openings of 2 lights, central bay with 3 lights. To
rear, 3 stacks of 4, 4 and 3 linked octagonal shafts, probably of C16,
rebuilt with C19 caps. Recessed single bay to right of 1840 with tall ground
floor opening of 2-lights with Gothick glazing bars above transom; frieze
between floors as to parapet. Hall of 1840 attached to right; Perpendicular
style, brick, formerly colourwashed, gable to front, angle buttresses;
crocketted pinnacles at angles and along returns, parapet to returns and
gable. large 6-light Perpendicular style window to front gable with stone
mullions and panel tracery. Datestone VICTORIA / 1840 to gable. Interior
with large Gothic fireplace to south-east. The hall was erected for social
events of both The Boileau family and their servants and tenantry. Facade
to south-east: in 3 parts: to left, conservatory c.1840, rendered, single
storey, 5 bays in Perpendicular style; gable to left return; parapet with
pinnacles at angles and articulating bays. 5 4-centred openings with
intersecting glazing bars, centre bay opening to ground with glazed doors;
left return with blank quatrefoil above 3-light opening as to south-east
facade but with central light to ground as door. Attached to left a gazebo
in rendered brick with 4-centred arch to recess, angle buttresses with
crocketted pinnacles; rear wall with large marble lozenge of arms of Atkins
impaling Walpole (Mrs. Charlotte Atkins was owner 1794-1835). To centre:
C16 3 storeyed wing with parapet of c.1839 and polygonal buttresses with
turrets left and right as to north-east facade; gable return altered 1852.
2 bays and central chimney bay with large axial stack having 4 linked
octagonal shafts with sawtooth cornice. Left bay with Gothick openings to
each floor; 2-light Gothick opening to ground floor chimney bay (now stair).
Right bay now of 2 storeys with large canted bay window with embattled
parapet of c.1839, Gothick lights. The window faces the steps of the terrace
q.v. 5/92. Facade to right: the return of double north-east range; 2 bays,
2 storeys and attic; hipped roof with 2 dormers of 3 and 4 lights behind
parapet; polygonal buttresses to left and right; openings as to north-east
facade, 2 to each floor of left bay, ground floor of right bay with 2 2-light
openings having a third between with Gothick lights as to recessed bay to
right of north-east facade. Rear to south-west: gables of C16 wings to
left and right; centre infilled by Jeckell 1852. Both gables with clasping
buttresses as rest of house; crowstepped parapets rebuilt 1852, that to
left with tall finial, that to right with external stack and double octagonal
shafts, 2 attic lights inserted to right gable, left gable with openings
changed to Gothick style. 5 bay central infill of Library to first floor;
embattled parapet with Boileau arms to central gablet, first floor with
3 cross windows flanked by single lights, ground floor similar but with
C20 additions. Interior: imperial staircase of early C19 to centre of C16
north-east range, stone steps, cast iron balusters, wreathed mahogany
handrail curved and ramped. Tall oriel stair-window of 1844 set behind
C13 style shafted arch, lights mullioned and transomed with fragments of
Flemish stained glass depicting biblical scenes including rondels of Moses
in the bullrushes and Daniel in the lions den dated 1573. Room to right
of north-east range with panels to walls and central black marble fireplace.
South-east wing with C16 stack to second and attic floors; ground floor
of C16 north-west wing with jewel stepped tie beams. Ground floor and
library of 1852 range with panelled ceilings; 2 relief marbles to ground
floor depicting scenes of French history involving the Boileau ancestors,
library with Gothick fireplace having ivy tendril and rose briar spray to
Norfolk Record Office: architect's plans with work specifications 1852,
estate papers 1842-48, Ref. B01 48 and 56, Road Order Map 1827.
Listing NGR: TG1649202532