TR 3864 NW
(west side)
13/245 Nos. 1-19
inclusive, with
13.8.68 railed Areas
Terrace row. 1827-36. Stock brick with rendered base. Slate roofs.
Crescent plan, canted back at north end, in unified simple classical
style. Three storeys and basement with cill band to first floor, and
parapet to variety of hipped and return hipped roofs with stacks ranged
left to right. Central pediment, rendered, spanning 4 bays. Nos. 1
and 18 (which effectively ends the crescent line since No. 19 is canted
back) with 3 window bays each, all others with 2, making 40 bays in
all, with variety of original glazing bar sashes, replacement sashes and
wooden casements (nos. 4, 15 and 16) on 2nd and 1st floors, all with
gauged heads. Ground floor with canted bays, most with surviving glazing
bar sashes, reeded pilasters with Greek key enrichment, cornices and
raised and fielded panelled aprons. Doors to right, originally of 6
raised and fielded panels, now with various replacements, with semi-
circular fanlights in keyed surrounds with imposts. Flights of 4 steps,
with ramped rails, and simple rails to basement areas with urn finial
principals. Glazing bar sash and half-glazed door to each basement.
The worn crest in the pediment is that of Lord Liverpool, Lord Warden
of the Cinque Ports known as Liverpool Crescent until 1867. The rear
elevations, although much altered, show one or two of the full height
bows typically adorning the rear of Ramsgate terraces. (See Busson,
Ramsgate, 109). Listing NGR: TR3810464639
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Books and journals Busson, C , Book of Ramsgate109
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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