This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 13/04/2020 SP77SE
Lamport Hall (Formerly listed as Lamport Hall with gatepiers and gates to SE) 02/11/54 GV
Country House, C16 to C19. Built by Isham family. Architects J. Webb, and W. Smith of Warwick, W. Burn, H. Hakewill and A. Goddard. Limestone ashlar with slate roof. Courtyard plan. Two storeys with attic. Main front of thirteen window range. Centre five bays breaking forward by J. Webb c.1654-1657. Central six-panelled door with moulded stone architraves have alternate triangular and segmental bracketed pediments over. Small square sash windows to first floor have moulded stone surrounds. Centre five bays of rusticated ashlar have dentilled cornice, balustraded parapet and large raised pediment of 1829. Flanking wings of four bays by the Smiths of Warwick, left by Francis c.1732 and right by William c.1741. Similar style to centre five bays with sash windows and moulded stone eared architraves; those at ground floor having a pulvinated frieze and cornice over. Rusticated quoins, dentilled cornice with panelled parapet over. Blank basement openings and shallow flight to central door. Inscription above first floor window of centre block."In things transitory resteth no glory" by Hakewill 1829. Ashlar stacks at ridge and end. Entrance facade, to left; four-window range to right by Francis Smith c.1732 similar to main facade. Large Tuscan porch to left of this range added by Burn. Five-window range to centre and similar four-window range with half dormers to left also by Burn of 1861 replaced the remains of the C16 house. Sash windows, some with moulded stone surrounds. Short square tower left of centre has open balustraded parapet. Garden facade: projecting wing to left by William Smith c.1741 has blank arcade at ground and blank windows at first floor of similar fenstration to main front. Centre of facade of two-window range of sashes similar to main front, linked to projecting wing by Tuscan quadrant porch of 1819 by Hakewill. Four and two window ranges to right in Jacobean style by H. Goddard of 1842 have two and three-light stone mullions with transoms. The inner courtyard has been encroached upon by C19 additions. Interior: entrance hall to entrance facade leads to the vestibule which passes through two storeys having a gallery on two sides with C18 turned balustrade. Doorcase has fluted Corinthian columns. Dining Room to left of entrance to c1861 replaced the great hall. Library to right of entrance c1734 by Francis Smith has marble fireplace and fluted Corinthian pilasters of 1734 and bookcases by Hakewill of 1819. Staircase by the Smiths has two turned balustrades to each tread which have carved ends. Originally double flight the landing balustrade incorporates carved panels from Webb's earlier staircase. Rococo ceiling by J. Woolstone. Armorial glass from Pytchley Old Hall. Oak Room to right of staircase entered through triple arcade has Jacobean panelling reset from elsewhere in 1907. Music Room centre of main front double height by Webb; retains fireplace and overmantel by Webb and bolection panelling by Henry Jones of c1685. Room decorated by the Smiths in 1738 with plasterowrk by J. Woolstone. Deep clerestory frieze has profiles of busts in oval frames alternating with trophies relating to the Isham family with inscriptions below. Flat coving plaster ceiling has three relief panels with cherubs, mermaids, swans and foliage. Fine wood block floor. Cabinet Room to right of Music Room by W. Smith 1742 has simple plaster ceiling with circular panels. Drawing Room in centre of the garden front c1840 has Rococo marble fireplace, panelled walls and plaster cornice. Gothic Room to left of the Drawing Room is panelled and has marble fireplace. First floor landing has triple arcade to staircase. Several first floor rooms have fielded panelling and bolection moulded fire surrounds. C18 and C19 service stairs have turned balusters. The evolution of this house is well documented in the Isham family records. (Country Life, October 3rd, 1952, p.1022-1025, September, 26th, 1952, p.932-935, October 10th, 1952, p.1106-1104; Buildings of England: Northamptonshire, p.268). Listing NGR: SP7588374504
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Books and journals Pevsner, N, Cherry, B, The Buildings of England: Northamptonshire, (1973), 268 'Country Life' in 10 October, (1952), 1106 'Country Life' in 26 September, (1952), 932-35 'Country Life' in 3 October, (1952), 1022-25Other Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England, Part 30 Northamptonshire,
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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