ST 31 SE
(South side, off), Moolham
2/48 Mill Farmhouse
the address shall be amended to read: ST 31 SE DOWISH WAKE CP MOOLHAM LANE
(South side, off), Moolham
2/48 Millers Thatch ------------------------------------ DOWLISH WAKE CP MOOLHAM LANE (South side, off)
ST 31 SE MOOLHAM 2/48 Mill Farmhouse -
GV II Detached house. C17 origins, reshaped in mid C18 and early C19, Ham stone near-ashlar; thatched roof between stepped
coped gables: brick end and intermediate chimney stacks. 'L'-plan, 2 storeys, 5 bays. Bays 1 and 2 straight-jointed
with remainder, probably a mid C18 addition, with two C19 4-pane sash windows under shared timber lintel below, and to
first floor two 12-pane sash windows with thick glazing bars and exposed sash boxes: remaining bays have horizontal-bar
casements, 4-light to bay 3, with pairs of iron-framed opening lights in centre, 3-light upper bays 4 and 5, and to
lift of lower bay 5 a C20 4-light casement: to lower bay 4 a 6-panel door with toplight, protected by a timber, glazed
and thatched C20 porch. North and south gables plain: extending from north-east corner a wing set lower, with 21-pane
sash window, an ashlar dressed slit window of uncertain date, and some C20 small-pane casements. Inside an adapted
2-room cross-passage plan, with an in-and-out timber partition; south room has wide fireplace with salt cupboard,
copper and traces of side stairs, deep chamfered crossbeam with stop and shield runouts; c1800 staircase with 3-centre
overarch: on first floor a post and framed partition and traces of C18 wall decoration: closed collar and truss roof.
Extending from north west corner and along west front boundary is a railing fence enclosing garden about 4 metres deep,
having alternate spearhaads and Gothic arch hoops set in low stone wall, with matching gate near house, adding to the
setting of the house.
Listing NGR: ST3626913314
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