SS94SE TIMBERSCOMBE CP _ 7/90 Croydon House 22.5.69 GV II* House. Circa 1700, reroofed C19. Red brick, Flemish bond, string course, dentil moulded cornice painted with designs,
local slate roof, hipped to wing, brick stack left gable end. L-plan, probably part of a larger U-plan building either
destroyed by fire or not completed. Two storeys, 3:2 bays, all wooden cruciform windows with leading, blind openings on
re-entrant angle of wing, entrance end bay left, 6-panel double door with moulded surrounds to panel, space above
boarded over, (a shellhood porch survived to mid C20), lean-to roof left over single storey, single bay containing C20
French windows; there is no butt joint visible and it would seem that the building at one time extended left which
would account for the present unbalanced appearance. Interior: dog leg stair rising to attic, moulded hand rail,
alternate twisted balusters, ball finials to newels and renewed dado, moulded semicircular arched head with keystone to
salon occupying the 3 left bays, C18 panelling, bolection moulded architraves to square headed doorways flanking left
gable end fireplace opening with keystone. First floor all divisions of C18 panelling with similar main arched opening.
The curious painted decoration to the cornice is said to reproduce earlier painted decoration.
Listing NGR: SS9627440676
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