ST8053 RODE CP HIGH STREET (South East side) 13/394 Nos 34, 36 and 38 - GV II Three attached cottages. C16, C17 additions, C19 and C20 alterations. Random rubble, pantile and double-Roman tile roofs, four C19 brick stacks. Very irregular frontage in a variety of styles. One and 2 storeys and attics, 1:2:2:1:1 bays; that to extreme left with C20 casements, opening to first floor in a gable; adjacent 2 bays similar in a larger gable with a further single attic light, 3-light moulded stone-mullioned windows to ground floor under stopped labels; adjacent 2 bays, 2-light bead moulded stone-mullioned windows except C19 flat roofed canted bay to left of ground floor, sash windows with glazing bars; adjacent bay with a chamfered 3-light wooden mullioned window to first floor,
outer lights leaded, 2-lights mullioned window in a gable to attic, 12-pane sash window in a bead-moulded stone surround to ground floor, to its left a C20 12-pane casement, 3-light ogee-moulded stone-mullioned windows to right bay. Three door openings to frontage; early C19 6-panelled door, top 2 panels glazed, to number 38, rubble C20 pent-roofed porch, double-Roman tile roof; 2 door openings to number 36, that to left early C19 plank door with a central glazed panel, to right a C17 studded plank door with strap hinges in a chamfered wooden surround, gabled rubble porch, pantile roof; door opening to number 34 in right return, C20 half glazed door. These three cottages form a very important and picturesque group on the South East side of the village green.
Listing NGR: ST8050453957
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