ST 32 NE STOKE ST GREGORY CP WOODHILL 4/75 Woodhill Farmhouse II Farmhouse and outbuilding abutting. Late C17, altered mid C20. Red brick lias
plinth, exposed left gable end, roughcast on facade, squared and coursed lias
outbuilding with corrugated iron roof on facade, double Roman tiles at rear and
to rest of farmhouse, brick stack left gable end, to right of inserted doorway
and right gable end at junction with outbuilding. Plan: not clear without full
internal inspection, appears to be 3-cell and cross passage with stair turret
set in outshot, all contemporary, outbuilding adjoining. One and a half storeys,
long frontage of 4 dormers rising through eaves, outbuilding unlit on facade,
all C20 wooden and metal windows, ground floor left windows flanking inserted
doorway, entrance to through passage, window right and squared headed opening
to outbuilding, C20 porches to entrances main entrance 5-panel door. Rear elevation,
gabled brick stair turret with 3-light leaded iron casement rising in catslide
roof of outshot, one 3-light window left, 2 right; outshot appears to continue
behind outbuilding. Interior partially seen; timber framed rear wall with brick
infill separating outshot, left gable end room appears to have been the kitchen
with circular recess beside fireplace, possibly curing chamber, now with inserted
light. Outbuilding contains cider press. It is unusual for the kitchen to occupy
the position of the inner room, and the possibility that the stair rises behind
the through passage rather than out of the hall would be another uncommon arrangement.
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