TQ 74 NW
(north-east side)
4/53 Nos. 1 and 2
Rugmer Hill Cottages
GV II House, now house pair. Early-to-mid C17, with C19 and C20 alterations.
Timber framed, tile-hung on both floors. Plain tile roof. Roughly
symmetrical central-entry plan of three timber-framed bays, that to centre
narrower. 2 storeys and garret on ragstone plinth. Roof half-hipped to
left, gabled to right. Projecting brick gable end stack to left, and large
projecting C17 red brick stack with asymmetrical offsets, grey brick
diaper work and truncated filleted flue, to right gable end. Irregular
fenestration of 3 casements set well below eaves; two three-light and central
two-light. Panelled door in brick lean-to to left, to No. 1, and ribbed
door with hipped and bracketed plain-tile hood to centre, to No. 2. C17
or later rear lean-to to right; brick, partly in English bond, with brick
plinth and integral rear brick stack to which lean-to is gabled. Less
projecting mid C20 brick lean-to to rest of rear elevation. Interior:
partly-exposed framing. Chamfered cross beam to right ground-floor room
and chamfered axial beam to left. Chamfered plank-and-muntin partition
between right room and entrance hall. Doorway with chamfered jambs and
pegged dropped head, towards front of partition; jambs extend below cut
cill-beam, to base of ragstone plinth, as do most doorways in the house,
(possibly, here, an original arrangement.) Another to plain left wall
opposite. Entrance-hall bay divided axially towards centre by pair of
doorways similar to that in the partition, with boarded infilling above
heads, and with jambs chamfered to rear side and rebated for doors to front
side. Left doorway stands at base of winder staircase which rises from
ground-floor to attic in rear half of central bay. Adjacent right doorway
gives on to passage (under stairs) leading to a similar back doorway.
First floor landing also has similar doorways to right and left, that to
right with double quirked bead moulding. Chamfered axial beam to each
first-floor room. Attic landing has moulded handrail with riven
latticework under. Dropped tie-beams. No truss over left-central principal
posts. Closed truss with interrupted tie-beam,doorway, and vertical queen
struts to collars, over right-central posts. Blocked inglenook fireplace
to right ground-floor room and C19 brick fireplace to left room. Inglenook
fireplace with bread oven and wooden bressumer, to rear lean-to.
Listing NGR: TQ6982949705
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