TQ 95 SW (west side) 5/243 Church of St. Lawrence
GV II* Parish church. 1753-9, possibly designed by the Rev. Granville
Wheler of Otterden Place, on footings of Medieval nave. Chancel
of 1894. Red brick in Flemish bond with plain tile roof.
Rectangular, with very small chapel or alcove for monuments
on noth side, and small chancel. Brick plinth with plain ashlar
coping, rusticated ashlared stone quoins, broad wood eaves band,
projecting eaves with flat soffits and single plain modillions.
Hipped roof. West front (towards Otterden Place) has 2 niches
with round-arched rubbed brick heads and stone cills, with 3
blank rectangular recesses above. Central fielded panelled door
with slightly segmental head, plain stone architrave and triple
keystone, topped with moulded cornice. 3 mid C19 round-headed
stone windows to south side. Interior: Mid C18 detailing. Chinese
Chippendale benches. Brasses to Thomas Seintlegier, d. 1408;
Isobel Chyrche, d. 1488; John Aucher, d. 1502 and James Aucher,
d. 1508. Standing wall monument to William Lewin, d. 1598; alabaster,
with recumbent figures flanked by Corinthian columns carrying
entablature and achievements. Kneeling children to base. Verse
inscriptions. Standing wall monument to John Bunce, d. 1611;
alabaster, with kneeling figures at a prayer desk. Standing wall
monument to Sir Justinian Lewin, d. 1620, attributed to Epiphanius
Evesham (J. Newman, Buildings of England Series, North East and
East Kent, 1969). Alabaster and black marble, with plaster
figures, he lying, she kneeling, with daughter beside. Flanking
columns bearing pediments. Memorial slab to Margaret Slatyer,
d. 1654. Cartouche to Sir George Curteis, d. 1702 with putti to top
and hollow skull to base. Scrolled cartouche to Ann Curteis, d. 1722
(J. Newman, op. Cit.)
Listing NGR: TQ9466854202
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Books and journals Newman, J, The Buildings of England: North East and East Kent, (1969)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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