SK 84 SE
BARKSTON ROAD (east side)
Marston Hall 19.2.52 GV
Small country house. Late C16, C17, 1699, c.1720. Limestone ashlar, coursed rubble, red brick, plain tile and pantile steep pitched roofs with stone coped gables, three gable stacks and single, large projecting stack to rear. Originally E plan with open hall modified in c.1720. Two storeys with attic over three lower north-west bays. Eight bay front with projecting two storey porch with three bays to the north-west, the two furthest from the porch of rubble, and four bays to the south-east, that furthest from the porch projecting level with the porch. Porch contains doorway with four-centred arch under rectangular head with rectangular hood mould and three quarter glazed C20 double doors. Interior of porch has heavy C16 door. Plinth runs under first bay to north-west of porch, the porch and four bays to the south-east. C16 moulded string course runs over porch and four bays to south-east and is cut into by the doorway and four C18 windows. Above them are four windows and a single window over the porch door, all with cross-mullion casements with glazing bars. C18 parapet runs above the porch and four bays to the south-east. On the porch above the doorway is a large heraldic shield with the Thorold family arms. Lower north-west three bay block has inserted C16 doorway with four-centred moulded head and small heraldic shield above, in the north-west end. Two windows to the south-east and three above, all with cross mullion casements with glazing bars. Single dormer above with casement. North-east front of coursed rubble has large, rectangular, blocked C16 hall window, screens passage doorway to north-west and enormous projecting stack to south-east. Irregular C18 fenestration. Interior hall divided by ceiling in c.1720. Large chimney piece on north-east wall moved several feet to the north-west from its original position, in c.1720, with late Elizabethan wood overmantel with fluted ionic pilasters, strapwork, ruffed and bearded caryatid figures and the Thorold coat of arms set within cartouche with helmet and draperies above. Early C18 stone chimney piece below. Cupboard in north-west wall of hall contains C16 four-centred arch of blocked screens entrance. Heavy oak staircase inserted c.1720. Room over upper end of C16 hall contains inserted ornate plaster ceiling and painted panelling of 1699, decorated with the coats of arms of the various branches of the Thorold family, taken from Burston House, Devon in 1972. Interior also contains various late C17 and early C18 fireplaces. Listing NGR: SK8935643664
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Other Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England, Part 27 Lincolnshire,
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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