(north side) 7/10 Manor Farmhouse
with attached
smithy and stables
1.11.66. (formerly listed as Kirmond
II Manor House) Small country house with attached smithy and stables to rear.
Mid C18, early C19. Redbrick with ashlar dressings. Pantile
hipped, double ridge roofs with 2 ridge stacks and single stack
on hip at rear. Decorated brick eaves. 2 storey and attic. 2
bay south front with central doorway with round headed ashlar
architrave with raised keystone, fanlight and 6 panelled door.
Doorway flanked by single windows with segmental heads and raised
ashlar keystones, that to the left, a glazing bar sash, that to
the right, blocked. 2 glazing bar sashes above, both with
segmental heads and raised ashlar keystones. West side of 5 bays,
that to the night projecting slightly. 5 glazing bar sashes with
segmental heads and raised ashlar keystones, with 5 glazing bar
sashes above, that to the right with segmental head and raised
ashlar keystone. 2 small semi-ciruclar domers. East side with
first floor band and decorated eaves. 4 irregular bays with 3
glazing bar sashes with 3 above, and a fourth breaking through
the first floor band with a segmental head. Mid C19 extension,
smithy, stables, and cart shed to rear on west side. Extension
with decorated eaves and 2 glazing bar sashes with segmental
heads with doorway to the right with segmental head, plain
overlight, and 4 panelled door. Plank double doors further left
with small opening with shutter beyond. 4 stable doors
alternate with 3 shuttered openings. Smithy has tall chimney, a
window with segmental head and close set vertical bars, and a
doorway beyond. Interior of forge intact. Cart shed attached
beyond. Interior of house, has mid C18 2 flight return staircase
with 3 cylindrical moulded balusters with knops to each step,
ornate carved treadends and V moulded handrail. Mid C18 drawing
room with high quality fielded panelling, delicately moulded
cornice with egg and dart, foliated scroll and dentil
decoration. Marble fireplace with ornate, deeply carved chimney
piece with central, sharply carved stylised flower head flanked
by foliate scrolls. Moulded square panel above with lugged
corners containing rosettes.
Listing NGR: TF1886892634
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