TL09NE (West side)
6/187 Old Sulehay Lodge and attached
23/05/67 outbuilding and barn
(Formerly listed as Old
Sulehay Lodge and adjoining
- II
Hunting Lodge and stables, now house and attached outbuilding and barn. Late C15
origins for Sir Guy Wolston, early C17, datestone 1642, enlarged 1851 by
Browning and again after 1892. Regular coursed and squared coursed limestone
with Collyweston slate roof. Original plan indeterminate, now irregular L-shape.
Single storey with attic and 2 storeys. Main front, to north, has 3 gables
breaking forward in steps, to left. 2 gables, to left, are late C19 additions
with stone mullion windows and 2 storey canted bay window to far left. Other
gable is early C17 with C19 porch at ground floor left and C17 round-head arch
with jewelled keyblock, now blocked, to right. Three-light stone-mullion window,
to first floor, with a similar single light window alongside. Single storey
range, with attic, c.1642 is attached to right. This was originally stables and
is now part domestic use and part outbuilding. 2 irregularly spaced 3-light
stone mullion windows at ground floor. 2 storey gatehouse, attached to right, is
also c.1642. Ogee moulded segmental carriage arch, now blocked, is set in
rectangular frame. 2-light stone mullion window above. Ashlar gable parapets and
ashlar stacks at ridge. C19 barn attached to right has central cart entrance,
with C20 doors, and flanking pitch holes with C20 glazing. Rear elevation of
former stable range has 3 bay arcade, to right, of segmental arches with
continuous mouldings all within a rectangular frame. Arcade is now blocked with
a C20 door and windows. Casement window to left and right and 2 Lincolnshire
eaves dormers above, with C19 style casement windows. Gable to right is early
C17 with a 2-light stone mullion window at first floor. 2-window range, to far
right, is probably mid C19 with stone mullion windows. Gatehouse and barn, to
far left, are similar to main front elevation with datestone 1642 in apex of
gatehouse gable. Interior: gatehouse has semi-circular arched openings, in
return walls, each with jewelled keyblock and square surround. Arch in west wall
is now damaged and blocked. First floor of former stable range is noted as
having remains of 2 C17 fireplaces and roof structure with 6 collar trusses and
clasped purlins. Kitchen, to right, is early C17, originally probably unheated.
High ceiling with stop-chamfered spine beam, remains of blocked stone mullion
windows in east wall. Upper part of stair rising from this room is said to be
original. First floor room above, said to have fireplace with 4-centred
arch-head and roof structure with tie beam and 2 raking struts. Sulehay , was an
extra-porochial area of Rockingham Forest and passed from the Yarwell family to
Sir Guy Wolston who is said to have rebuilt the lodge. it remained as part of
the Apethorpe estate and most of the surviving C17 range dates from 1642. The
main house was demolished in 1718 and the stables became a dwelling. It was
considerably improved and enlarged mid and late C19.
(RCHM: An Inventory of Architectural Monuments in North Northamptonshire: p129)
Listing NGR: TL0521098448
The contents of this record have been generated from a legacy data system.
Legacy System number:
Legacy System:
Other Inventory of Architectural Monuments in North Northamptonshire, (1984)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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