893/0/10085 Darley Abbey
13-FEB-67 Sawmill and Workshop Range and Drying
Shed. Darley Abbey Mills (South complex)
(Formerly listed as:
Darley Abbey
Darley Abbey Mills (East Mill, Middle
Mill, Long Mill, West Mill, Gassing Shed,
Polishing shop, Dyeing shop, Boiler
House, Chimney, Canteen))
(Formerly listed as:
Darley Abbey
(Formerly listed as:
Darley Abbey
Darley Abbey Mills (East Mill, Middle
Mill, West Mill, Finishing House, Enquiry
iry Office, Toll House, Cottages and
Other Buildings))
GV II Group of detached buildings forming south-eastern corner of extensive cotton textile factory, partially in use as small industrial estate at time of inspection.
Early C19, enlarged mid- C19 further altered mid and late C20. Built by the Evans family of Darley Abbey.
MATERIALS. Gritstone with slate roof coverings and brick with modern cladding.
PLAN: Group forms southern boundary of manufacturing complex sub-divided by Old Lane. It is formed by a functionally related group of buildings identified as SAWMILL and WORKSHOP and DRYING SHED.
SAWMILL and WORKSHOP. EXTERIOR: 2-storey range along the south eastern perimeter of the site, of 2 principal phases. The lower, 7 bay section to the east has multi-paned cast iron windows with hinged central casements in its northern elevation and a blind elevation to the rear. The taller 5 bay building to the west has a wide openings on the ground floor, a loading door and a variety of windows on the upper floor, a hipped roof and external stone stair on the west gable.
INTERIOR : The western range has a very tall ground floor with transverse ceiling beams supported by fluted cast iron columns. Unwrought pine timbers bolted to the beams are fitted with lifting rings. The first floor has 3-inch boards without joists, a form of fire-retarding construction.
DRYING SHED. EXTERIOR : Tall, L- shaped 5 bay by 5 bay single storey shed constructed of brick piers and light panel cladding with ventilated slate roof. It formerly had slatted sides and is shown on the 1881 OS map. This complex of structures forms part of the textile manufacturing site at Darley Abbey which traded under the name of Boars Head Mills. The complex as an entity is exceptional in its completeness of survival, and displays important aspects of the development of fire-proofing technology for textile factories. The site forms part of the closely related network of pioneer textile manufacturing sites in the Derwent Valley; Thomas Evans was an associate of Richard Arkwright of Cromford and the Evans family was related by marriage to the Strutt family who had mills in Belper, Milford and Derby. Darley Abbey sits alongside these settlements in terms of both historic and architectural significance, the mill complex retains all of its major early buildings as well as the C19 additions many of which are distinguished by the use of iron roofs.
Source: English Heritage Architectural Investigation Report NBR 33050
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