SP 48 NE (north side) 5/54
Manor Farmhouse
3/2/1983 (formerly listed as The
G.V. II Manor House)
Farmhouse, now a house. Early C17 with C18 and C20 alterations
and additions. Box framing with brick nogging, all except the
east side rendered over, with plain tile roofs. Granite rubble
plinth to west, rendered plinth to east. 2 rendered brick ridge
stacks. 2 storeys plus garrets, 3 bays. H-plan with gabled
flanking wings. The windows are late C20 glazing bar casements.
South front has a recessed centre with, to left, a 10 panel round
headed door in a shallow recess. To its right, a 3 light
casement. Beyond, in each wing, a 3 light casement. Above, 3
similar casements. All these windows have shutters. Both
windows in the left wing are larger. East side has exposed
framing with rendered nogging. Above, a 2 light casement.
Rendered west side has, above to left, a small casement. Rear
has, to left, a late C20 canopied gabled porch with a close
boarded door and flanking light, and in each side a 3 light
casement. To its left, north west gable with French window and
flanking lights. Above to right, a 2 light casement and above
again, exposed V struts. To its right, the parallel 2 storey
rear range has a 3 light and a single casement. To right again,
the west wing gable has a 3 light casement on each floor and
above again, a single casement. Interior has framed and stud
partition walls with rendered wattle and daub nogging. Central
ground floor room, to south, has moulded ceiling beam and beaded
joists and fireplace bressummer. Central rear room has chamfered
ceiling beam with barred stops. South west room has an ovolo
moulded ceiling beam and in the east wall, a framed panel with 2
C17 scroll brackets. 3 flight dogleg stair has winder and
landings, round newel and stick balusters. First floor rooms
have chamfered ceiling beams and 2 moulded wooden fireplace
lintels. C17 queen post roof, mainly of re-used timber, has
single purlin, wind braces and V struts. Remains of a stud
Listing NGR: SP4650189840
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