(south side)
7/158 Stable range and
lodgings at
Edmondthorpe Hall G.V. II Stable range and lodgings. C18. Remodelled by R. W. Johnson,
1868. Tudor Revival style. Coursed and squared ironstone and
limestone with ashlar dressings and Swithland slate roofs.
Plinth, quoins, dormers with coped gables with kneelers and
finials, single stone ridge stack and 3.lateral brick stacks. 2
storeys, 6 bays. L-plan. South front has a slightly off-centre
tower, 3 stages, with cogged eaves and a hipped roof with remains
of a square wooden bell turret with keystoned round headed
doorway and above it, a 2 light casement with a keystone. Above
again, a round-headed casement with hood and impost band, and
above, to the eaves, a round moulded clock opening. to the left,
3 Diocletian windows with glazing bar casements and beyond, a
close boarded door with segmental head. To the right, 2 similar
Diocletian windows and beyond, a door with segmental head.
Above, to the left, 3 cross eaves dormers each with a 2 light
casement, and to the right, 2 similar dormers. All the casements
have keystoned segmental heads. To the right a sliding sash with
a keystoned lintel. Beyond again, a 2 storey hipped wing with,
in the return angle, a door with segmental brick head. Above it,
a 2 light sliding sash with a keystoned lintel. East side has to
left a carriage opening and to its right, a 4 bay single storey
stable with coped gables and a close boarded door flanked to left
by a cross mullioned casement and to right by 2 similar
casements. Beyond, to right, a lower single storey tack room
with a 3 light casement and a door. Beyond again, the ruinous
remains of a similar building and beyond it, a loose box with a
double opening in the return angle and a door on the west side.
West end, 3 bays, has a central round headed doorway with
keystone and fanlight, flanked to left by 2 keystoned elliptical
headed carriage openings with double doors, those to the left
partly glazed, and to right by a keystoned Diocletian window.
Above, a tall central loading door with keystoned round heads,
flanked on either side by a cross eaves dormer with a 2 light
casement with keystoned segmental head. North side has, above, 6
two light casements with keystoned lintels.
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