SO 73 SW
5/59 Barn and adjoining workshop, Callow
Farm (formerly listed as Barn to
27.9.79 East of Callow Farmhouse) GV II Barn and former stable, now workshop. Barn late C17, minor
alterations late C19; stables 1870 for Beauchamp Estate
(datestone). Barn small panel timber framing on rubble stone
plinth, infilled inset boards below, woven wattle above,
weatherboarded gables, corrugated iron roof: stable Flemish garden
wall bond brick, tiled roof. Six-bay barn with 2 equally-spaced
threshing floors: 8-bay stable built off end. Barn to yard:
owing to slope threshing floors up above yard; stone thresholds:
double, diagonally-boarded doors to eaves: framing 4 panels high.
Internally right threshing floor boarded, left stone paved: heavy
jowls to main posts, square cut at bottom: long braces main posts
to cross sills and centre posts either side threshing floors,
except to left of right-hand one where removed Tie-beam trusses,
double angle struts, 2 pairs purlins, square ridge. Left bay loft
inserted: half ground floor lowered to yard level, door in gable.
Stable on left: brick causeway to front. On right glazed window,
to left double sliding doors, 2 glazed windows, single sliding
door; left end boarded door with either side window with hit and
miss shutter below, glass above. All openings except double door
chamfered brick edge, cambered brick head. Internally 4-bay
section right, now workshop, 3-bay left end, with scissor trusses,
1 pair purlins, plank ridge. Single-bay, brick walled section
between, door to right, harness hooks. Forms group with house and
cowhousing (q.v.).
Listing NGR: SO7211931231
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