3/205 Dovecote, Pauntley Court
(formerly listed as part of Pauntley Court,
with Dovecote and Barn 60 yards south
2.10.54 of Pauntley court) GV II Dovecote: C17; coursed, squared stone, tiled roof. Square,
gabled each face, 2 floors with cellar below. Facade to drive:
plain plinth at ground level, extends around whole building.
Central boarded door with cat hole in heavy timber frame, up 3
stone steps: flat head, 3-piece lintel with projecting keystone
and dummy joints for voussoirs. Either side a 2-light timber
window, vertical bars on left, rebate for leaded lights, internal
boarded shutter, lintels as door, but keystone flush on left,
replaced in brick on right. Slit to cellar on left partly built
up. Gable over slightly set in from corners. Square glover at
intersection of ridges, faced corrugated iron, pyramid roof, wooden
finial. Ground falls to back: cellar door centre, elliptical
head, double ovolo moulding, brick arch internally: lower parts
sides cut back for barrels. Slit either side, that on left built
up. Single window above, as front. Access to top floor left
return originally, doorway now built up, reached by ladder.
Internally, ground floor plastered walls, window each wall; 2
beams over. Dovecote top floor, brick nests with projecting ledge
on insides of gables. Single truss, across building, tie beam,
collar, angle struts, principals stop above collar: 2 pairs
purlins, square ridge. Glover louvred: access for birds
presumably through windows, unless louvres an alteration. Forms
part of group with Court, stable, church and mill (q.v.).
Listing NGR: SO7488629035
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