SO 7226-7326 (east side) 12/152 & 13/152 Good News Centre
(formerly listed as Lewall Street,
Verger's House, and House adjoining
2.10.54 the Verger's House) GV II Formerly 2 houses, now shop and restaurant; C16, altered C18 and
C20; timber-framing, rendered panels, painted or rendered
brickwork; tiled roof. Two-bay main wing, cross-wing, 2 storeys
and attics. Windows to front 1979 to 1980 except for attics. On
right jettied first floor cross-wing supported curved braces; 3-
light casement on right, 2-light replacing doorway (outlined below)
on left. To left 5-light shop front, glazed door and 2-light
window, all under tiled lean-to on brackets. Boarded door to side
entry beyond. First floor, exposed framing to jetty, jowelled
corner posts, long curved braces to bressumer, 2 full studs, thin
rails, 2-light casement in centre. Above tie-beam, brick gable
with thin timber-framing, 2-light casement in apex, plain
bargeboards. To left two 2-light casements; 3-light casement in
gabled dormer. Brick chimney forward of ridge to left of cross-
Internally, first floor timber-framed front wall and gable to left
half; timber-framed back and side walls to cross-wing, with long,
curved brace in right wall to wall plate. Curved windbraces on
right slope cross-wing: rear gable replaced by hip. Flat purlins
in cross-wing. Rear wings, part added 1985, not of special
Listing NGR: SO7215426004
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