SE 72 SW
(north side) 10/53 Goole Grammar School GV II
Grammar School. 1907-9 by Willinck and Thicknesse, architects, and Thornley
and Furbur, surveyors of Liverpool, later internal alterations. Pale
yellow-orange brick in Flemish bond with orange brick and ashlar dressings.
Westmorland slate roof to main hall block; stone slate and concrete tile
roofs to remainder. Lead dome to cupola. Queen Anne style. T-shaped on
plan: central double-pile range with central entrance flanked by classrooms,
staffrooms, etc, assembly hall and kitchen wing to rear, and short linking
wings to flanking pavilions contain further classrooms. 2 storeys, with 3-
storey assembly hall section. South front: central range of 3:3:5:3:3 bays,
with central pedimented 5-bay section and 3-bay end wings breaking forward;
lower 2-storey recessed 3-bay ranges linking with flanking 6-bay pavilion
wings. Orange brick plinth, raised quoins and 5-course first-floor band
throughout. Projecting central entrance has ashlar surround with architrave
beneath moulded cornice and blocking course carrying cartouche with carved
relief of Goole arms, surmounted by a coronet, and supported by wreaths and
festoons. Internal porch with moulded ceiling cornice, half-glazed panelled
double doors with latticed glazing bars, beneath overlight with margin
lights and latticed glazing bars. 18-pane sashes to side bays, those to
central bays of end wings with margin lights. First floor: central.
tripartite sash with glazing bars, flanked by 18-pane sashes. Deep eaves,
central pediment with round-arched panel to tympanum containing raised
MCMIX beneath keyed rubbed-brick arch. Roof hipped to wings, with terracotta urn
finials with swags and flaming tops. 3-storey hall section to rear has
hipped mansard roof with urn finials, and octagonal cupola with round-headed
windows with glazing bars in architraves, beneath moulded cornice, blocking
course and dome carrying weathervane with gilded ship. Pavilion wings each
have wide 12-pane ground-floor sashes with margin lights, 4 tall central
round-headed first-floor half-dormer windows with margin lights and radial
glazing bars, flanked by single 12-pane sashes with margin lights; deep
eaves, hipped roofs with urn finials. Recessed sections between main range
and pavilions have 12-pane ground-floor sashes and unequal 9-pane first-
floor sashes. All windows have flush wooden architraves and shaped stone
sills beneath rubbed-brick flat arches. Tall roof and ridge stacks with
moulded brick cornices and flat stone deflectors on top. Left return, of 17
bays, and right return, of it bays, have projecting enclosed entrance
porches each with cyma moulded brick architrave, cornice and blocking
course, inner half-glazed panelled double doors with margin lights over
fielded panels, beneath overlight with latticed glazing bars; ground-floor
12-pane sashes and alternating first-floor 12-pane sashes and tall round-
headed half-dormer sashes similar to those on south front. Rear of 3-storey
section has large windows to second-floor art room: a central unequal sash
with glazing bars, flanked by 3-light plate-glass sashes with margin lights,
each breaking the eaves line, beneath individual moulded cornices with
blocking courses. Projecting rear kitchen wing has 7-bay north front with
altered ground floor, first-floor band, and alternate 12-pane sashes and
round-headed first-floor windows similar to pavilion wing returns.
Interior. Entrance hall has square panelled columns and pilasters, moulded
cornices. Original section of assembly hall has panelled ceiling with
moulded cornices, plasterwork wreaths and painted coat of arms. Open-well
staircases with ramped handrails and plain balusters. Double doors to
corridors with latticed glazing bars, and classroom doors in panelled
architraves. Later adjoining ranges are not of special interest.
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