SE 9515 APPLEBY CARR LANE 15/2 Nos 9 and 11, garden wall
and outhouse adjoining to
rear GV II Pair of houses with garden wall and outhouse to rear. 1870s for Winn
Estate. House and outhouse of dressed limestone with red brick dressings
and yellow brick details; pantile roofs. Garden wall of red brick. U-
shaped on plan: each house with entrance hall to central range, front
parlour and rear kitchen/pantry to side wing. 2 storeys, 3 first-floor
windows: single-window central range with entrances in angles, flanked by
projecting gabled wings. Chamfered plinth, raised quoins. Board doors in
chamfered wooden frames beneath porches with sloping roofs carried on
corbelled timber brackets. Central 3-light window. Similar 3-light windows
to side wings. 3-course first-floor band with central cogged yellow brick
course. Similar, smaller first-floor windows. All windows have wooden
mullions and glazing bars in raised brick surrounds with painted sills and
rubbed-brick cambered arches, apart from first floor centre which has a
weatherboaded gable above, breaking the eaves line. 3-course stepped and
cogged brick eaves cornice to central section, continued as raking cornices
to wings, forming broken pediments to gables with overhanging eaves and
plain bargeboards. Partly-projecting stacks to left and right returns have
quoins, ashlar offsets, red and yellow brick lozenge panels, brick bands and
cornices to upper sections; 4 original square-section crested pots to left,
2 to right. Side walls flanking the stacks have pairs of large interlocking
brick lozenge panels to ground floor, first-floor cogged brick bond, sets of
3 small lozenge panels to first floor, cogged brick eaves cornice.
Adjoining brick-coped wall separating the gardens to the rear connects with
single-storey outhouse with plinth, quoins, board doors and cogged brick
eaves and raking cornices similar to house. Included as an example of the
series of houses built in the village for Rowland Winn of Nostell, later
Lord St Oswald, from plans published by the Salopian Society. N J Lyons,
Small Houses since 1750 in North-West Lincolnshire, 1985, xiii.
Listing NGR: SE9543515078
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Books and journals Lyons, N J, Small Houses Since 1750 in North West Lincolnshire, (1985), 13
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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