In the following items: CHEVENING 41/91 Chevening House the sentence at the top of page 31 'House now undergoing thorough restoration, chiefly removal of mathematical tiles
and refacing in brick, removal of attic storey and replacement of pitched roof.
When completed, appearance will be as follows'. shall be amended to read: 'This attic storey and facing of mathematical tiles was removed in the 1970s'. -------------------------------------------
Chevening House
TQ 45 NE 41/91 10.9.54. I
Original house built in second quarter of C17, design influenced by Inigo Jones.
Considerable later alterations. lst house square, with 7-bay fronts north and
south. In 1717 house bought by General Stanhope, later the lst Earl. During
next few years pedimented side projections, quadrant links and 2 new wings flanking
entrance court were added, and croisee windows altered to sashes. A wrought
iron screen, with double gates to enclose entrance court-was projected. New
spiral cantilevered staircase replaced old square stair. Late in Cl8 an attic
storey was added and whole building and links faced in mathematical tiles. 4
giant ionic pilasters, supporting entablature, added back and front.
House now undergoing thorough restoration, chiefly removal of mathematical tiles
and refacing in brick, removal of attic storey and replacement of pitched roof.
When completed, appearance will be as follows:
3 storeys and basement, 7 windows. High pitched, hipped, swept tiled roof with
modillioned eaves cornice. Central pediment with round window, 1 segment headed
dormer either side. Walls of red brick with blue headers, red brick window
dressings. Rusticated stone quoins. Centre section defined by 4 giant Ionic
pilasters supporting enriched entablature and pediment and resting on arcaded
rusticated stone ground floor. Entablature with plain frieze at sides. Sash
windows with glazing bars under gauged brick arches. Garden front similar except
that 5 segment-headed dormers will replace pediment and flanking dormers of
entrance front. Flight of stone steps to central terrace. Return elevations
show 3 storey and basement, 3 window pedimented projections, with round windows
in tympana. 5-bay ends of separate service and stable wings appear set back
at either side. From entrance courtyard arcaded quadrant links to these wings
of 2 storeys, 9 windows. Red brick, hipped slate roof. Centre 3 bays project
under pediment crowned by cupola. Sundial in pediment of east wing, clock in
west. Flanking pairs of circular dormers. 1st floor band resting on keystones
of arcaded ground floor.
Inside main building: Spiral cantilevered staircase by Nicholas Dubois, circa
1720. Cut string, slim turned balusters varying from 2 to 4 to the tread, ramped
handrail with spiral ends, fluted Composite column newels. Dining room has
panelling of second quarter of C17. Walls arcaded above dado, upper panels
divided by fluted Cornithian pilasters with gilt lead capitals. 2 marble and
2 stone fireplaces of early C18 in various rooms. Bedroom with Chinese wall
paper, patterns of flowers, trees birds and rocks, colours very fresh. Interior
also to undergo restoration.
Listing NGR: TQ4871757714
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Other Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England, Part 24 Kent,
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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