SK 46 NE
2/92 (North Side)
2.9.52 Latin House
GV II* School house, now house. 1706 with minor C19 and C20
alterations. Built for Elizabeth Grey of Risley Hall. Red
brick with vitrified headers to ground floor and fine red brick
to first floor. Ashlar dressings, brick plinth with chamfered
stone copings, plain first floor stone band, rusticated stone
quoins and an elaborately moulded stone cornice, which breaks
forward over the quoins and over each keystone of the upper
windows to both the south and east elevations. Hipped plain
tile roof with large, cross-sectioned brick ridge stacks with
stone bands. Square plan, five bays by four bays and two
storeys, plus garrets and basement. Main elevation has four
semi-circular steps up to a central doorcase with a large,
moulded, broken, segmental pediment, with the corners breaking
forward, which sit on acanthus consoles, plus a central
achievement of the Willoughby family. The outer jambs of the
doorcase are plain with a raised fillet to the edge and the
frieze is also plain with the inscription 'A MA PUISSANCE
MDCCVI' and carved initials to the centre. Within this are the
original double, raised and fielded panelled doors set in a
moulded eared surround. To either side there are pairs of
glazing bar sashes in bolection moulded eared surrounds with
raised keystones, each carved with the head of a season, also
with plain friezes and cornice-like dripmoulds which project
over the keystones. Above there are five glazing bar sashes in
moulded eared surrounds with grotesque heads on each keystone,
the central window is differentiated by an extra moulding. The
east elevation has four blocked windows under flat gauged brick
arches with raised, corniced keystones. To ground floor, one is
partly cut into by a later glazing bar sash, and above there are
three further blocked windows and one glazing bar sash to north.
These upper windows are also under flat brick arches but have
stone console keystones. Above again there are two pedimented
roof dormers with glazing bar casements. West elevation has
similar pattern of windows except one ground floor window has
been replaced with a plain doorcase. Interior is remarkably
plain. Most of the rooms have their original bolection moulded
fireplaces with later C18 grates, and have stopped, chamfered
central beams. The staircase is largely reconstructed, using
the original handrail. The south door is completely blocked up
internally with a wall across it but there is a curved central
lobby to first floor which must represent the original plan of
the ground floor. The original roof timbers are visible in the
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