This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 08/06/2015
SK 0085/0185 1/107
Nos. 6, 7 and 8 (Torr Top Cottages) (Formerly listed as Torr Top Cottages, ROCK STREET) II A range of three houses. Mid C18, with C19 and C20 alterations. Regularly
coursed squared grit stone, with ashlar dressings, plain gables, gable
chimneys, one buck, one stone, with welsh slate and stone slate roof
coverings North elevation. A stepped range climbing from east to west, the
lowest part with its gable to the street, and of two storeys, as is the
middle range. The west end is three storeyed, and was formerly linked to
now-demolished buildings to form a terrace. Lower part with stacked 3
light flush mullioned windows to gable centre, and a doorway to the west
with a plain stone surround. The lower window is blocked, the upper window
is without window joinery. Central part with stacked windows to east side,
formerly sash framed, below wedge lintels, and with a doorway to the west
with a semi-circular head, and a key block. Plain doorway. Upper part
work stacked 3-light flush mullioned windows and a remodelled or inserted
doorway without surround, but with a plain planked door. The range is
presently unoccupied, and the interior of the lower part has been removed.
Rear with a 3-light mullioned window (2 mullions lost) and two sash windows
in stone surrounds.
Listing NGR: SK0006485405
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