16-JUL-1986 (Southwest side)
(Formerly listed as:
A cottage of two storeys and attic, originally dating from the late C17 or early C18, the adjacent cottage, known as `Ferndale' having been largely rebuilt in the late C20, and not of special interest. Originally a single-depth range of two storeys and attic running east-west, the cottages were later extended by the addition of north-south ranges. MATERIALS: `Cotswold Cottage' is of coursed local limestone rubble with Cotswold stone slate roofs, and a coursed limestone rubble stack to the western end of the cottage. PLAN: The original range had three bays; two bays are now contained within `Cotswold Cottage', the third forming part of `Ferndale'. `Cotswold Cottage' has a slightly lower projecting two-storey bay to the north, formerly the village shop, and two adjacent, two-storey bays projecting to the rear. EXTERIOR: `Cotswold Cottage' has two-light stone mullioned windows to the ground and first floors of the main range, and a C21 dormer, with cambered headed openings and timber door and casements to the former shop bay. There is a lean-to porch in the angle between the main range and projecting bay, with a Cotswold stone tile roof. INTERIOR: `Cotswold Cottage' retains most of its original construction; the ground floor principal room has chamfered ceiling beam and exposed ceiling joists, and a large fireplace with chamfered bressumer beam. The timber winder stair is apparently in its original position; the first floor has a plank screen, exposed chamfered wall plate and ceiling beam and a blocked doorway originally leading to the adjacent cottage. The roof structure is of threaded twin-purlin construction with collars set high towards the ridge; the ridge is not visible. HISTORY: The pair of cottages, of which `Cotswold Cottage' is the less altered, appear to date from the late C17 or more probably the early C18, and were originally a three-bay, single depth range orientated east-west. Both cottages were later extended by the addition of further ranges running north-south. Both buildings were in a single family's ownership for several generations from the late C19 until the late C20, and although earlier divided into two cottages, until the late C20 they were in single occupation, with the north-south range which now forms the larger part of `Ferndale' being used for storage. The projecting bay running north-south at the western end of `Cotswold Cottage' was, until the late C20, the village shop. The buildings were fully divided into two separate dwellings in the 1980s, and at this point in order to render the cottage known as `Ferndale' habitable, the north-south ranges were taken down and entirely rebuilt. SUMMARY OF IMPORTANCE:
`Cotswold Cottage' is a good survival of a late C17 or early C18 Cotswold vernacular cottage in local stone, using traditional methods. In order to meet the criteria for designation, vernacular buildings dating from before 1840 need to demonstrate evidence of their building history in their plan form, fabric, construction and decorative details, and demonstrate a good degree of intactness. `Cotswold Cottage' retains clear evidence of its original plan form, a good proportion of high quality carpentry and materials, and some good internal details, which contribute to its special architectural interest. `Ferndale', to which `Cotswold Cottage' is attached, has been almost entirely rebuilt using modern materials and construction methods, and although it retains its earlier footprint, the plan form has been altered dramatically. `Ferndale' is therefore not of special interest. Listing NGR: SP1129323353
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