In the entry; 3940 WHERWELL Stable Block
9/38 (30 yards
south of Priory)
GV II* The entry shall be amended to read; 3940 WHERWELL Stable Block
9/38 (30 yards
south of
Wherwell Priory)
GV I Abbey building, probably refectory, to Wherwell Abbey; now
garages, stores workshops etc. Probably 2nd quarter of C13;
altered C17, C18, late C19 and C20. Banded flint and brick with
some chalk blocks; brick dressings; plain tile roof. Originally
a large open hall; loft floor inserted C19. 8 roof bays; late
C19 single-storey 3-bay brick extension at right end; C20 brick
outshut at left end. Brick quoins and cambered openings, the
windows with diamond-leaded wood-framed lights, the doorways with
board doors with cover strips. Late C20 garage door at left end.
3 gabled dormers. Rear: C17 or C18 brick quoins and buttress
at right end, 2-light windows, and sashes at left end; two
loading hatches; 2 gabled dormers. Blind oculus to left gable.
Interior: C19 stalls. Half-way up walls, wooden corbels
project, supporting jowelled vertical posts and straight braces,
both of which rise to tie-beam. Tie-beams support queen-posts
which have collars and slightly arched braces to clasped through
purlins; passing braces rise from tie-beam to collar, face halved
to queen posts. Collared rafters with wedges at base between
rafter feet and wall plate and wedges also at junction of rafters
and purlins at which point the rafters are scarf-jointed (the
principal rafters are unjointed). Wall plates have trait de
Jupiter joints. Collars and passing braces have notched lap
joints. There are some carpenters' marks. The timbers are
smoke-blackened, this being more heavy at the centre. The 2
left-hand bays were reconstructed in the C17 and are unsooted,
having a queen strut truss; lower tier of staggered butt purlins,
upper tier of clasped through purlins on collar, and straight
wind-braces. The Benedictine abbey was founded C986. It was ruled from 1226-
57 by Abbess Euphemia who was a prodigious builder and, in view
of the probable date of this building, she is likely to have been
responsible for its construction. D K Coldicott, Hampshire Nunneries, pp.116-119, 193.
J Reynolds, dissertation on Hampshire barns bed at County
Historic Buildings Bureau. VCH, Vol 1, pp.132-3. ------------------------------------ 3940 WHERWELL 9/38 Stable Block
(30 yards south
of the Priory) GV II* Garages, stores, workshop, etc. Medieval tithe barn to the Priory, with
floor inserted C19, on conversion to stables and coachhouse. 7-bay timber
roof fixed to solid walls, Queen post: diagonal braces rest on wall posts
(partly-embedded in the masonry) carried down to oak corbel brackets.
Single through purlins to the tie beams and collars by notched lap joints,
curved braces between Queen post and purlins, higher collar. Scarf joints
in purlins and wall-plates are stop-splayed, with transverse keys and face-pegs.
Externally, the 2-feet thick walls have banded flintwork with brick banding,
quoins, and cambered openings. C20 single-storeyed extensions at each end.
Tile roof.
Listing NGR: SU3913140918
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