SU 32 SW
2/8 Awbridge Danes Estate
Awbridge Danes House
4.3.86 GV II* Medium-sized country house. 1822-5 by W Garbett, enlarged mid C19 in similar
style, early Gothic revival, later parts neo-Tudor. Stuccoed brick, stone
dressings, slate roof. Plan of double range of 2 storeys, 4 & 5 bay, rear
range (facing onto courtyard) one bay shorter at garden end, with on side of
its end bay 3 gable wing; at other end later 2 1/2 storey cross-wing across end,
projecting on both fronts, with entrance on its side and later conservatory on
end of longer wing. Garden front has 2 storey, 5 bay original symmetrical front,
with to R end projecting gable of 2 1/2 storey cross-wing and single storey, 2 bay
conservatory at other end. Original central bay projects slightly with thin 2
storey Gothic canted bay, shallow ground floor verandah, behind French window,
on 1st floor windows with painted glass infront openwork Gothic balcony above
Gothic parapet with finials. 2 bays each side have transomed 3-light windows with
hood mould and 3-light windows on 1st floor. Above each bay overhanging gables,
Barger in centre, with coved plaster eaves, and carved bargeboards and finials.
To R cross-wing has two 3-light transomed windows under hood moulds and overhanging
gable on carved brackets with finials. To L end single storey conservatory of
2 bays of pointed windows with timber tracery, pilasters between open work
quatrefoils in parapet with gabled corner piers. Either side of original centre
bay ridge chimne s of rectangular base and 2 or 3 diamond shafts. Similar at
R end of original part and between ranges in centre and at L end. Other side
has L half of rear range as 3 bays, centre bay originally projecting porch. R
half has 2 projecting wings, end one of 3 gabled bays, narrow centre one (on
other side this was original entrance front), other wing of one bay with large
quatre-foil in gable, at other end 2 1/2 storey cross-wing has attic window.
Similar windows and stacks. Interior has some early Gothic features, such as
fireplaces, doors with tracery and plaster mouldings. Buildings of England;
Penguin; Pevsner; 1966; p87.
Listing NGR: SP4065618772
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Books and journals Pevsner, N, The Buildings of England: Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, (1967), 87
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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