SU 32 NE (North side)
5/35 No 1 Glenwood Cottages (Pump
Cottage) and No 2 Glenwood
Cottages (Brackenwood Cottage) II
House, now 2 dwellings. C16, 2 phases, with C17 alterations; .Cl8, C19 and C20
additions and. alterations. Timber frame with wattle and daub infill, most infill
replaced by brick, and brick, rendered and painted; diamond pattern asbestos cement
slates to roof; brick stacks. 3 framed bays, now with baffle-entry: left bay the
earliest and originally lower-roofed, the raising apparently of same period as right
bays of which central, narrower, bay was probably originally a smoke bay; right bay
has 1st and attic floors inserted C17; stack inserted in smoke bay C17, with smoking
chamber formed at front on 1st floor probably C18; rear outshut C17, altered; bay
added to left end early C20; bay added to right end and large 2-storey addition to
rear right 1975. Elevation now of one storey with attic; 5 bays with added
single-storey bay at left end. Central C18 door, now part-glazed; late C20 door
under pent canopy at right end. 3-light casement windows with horizontal glazing
bars, the 4 attic windows in flat-roofed dormers. Central T-plan ridge stack, of
2 builds, and one near left end. Rear: some exposed timber framing at centre.
Interior: rectangular-panelled framing with straight braces and jowelled wall
posts; chamfered spine-beams, in right bay with lambs tongue stops and that on
ground floor supported at right end by moulded bracket, in left bay with bar and
lambs tongue stops; old joists, chamfered in left bay, and floorboards (in left bay
with remains of leather draught-excluding strips); queen strut and queen post roof
trusses with principal rafters and clasped purlins; pegged rafters, smoke-blackened
in centre bay, and somewhat in right bay. Other features of interest include: large
fireplace in original left bay which has timber bressumer, former bread oven, and
flue up to smoking chamber; also in this bay, old board doors to entrance lobby and
on 1st floor to cupboard and smoking chamber which is lined in smoke-blackened
plaster (mostly collapsed) and has rat-trap-bond brickwork; C18 fireplace in right
bay with curved rear corners.
Listing NGR: SU3476025439
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