SU 83 SW
Bramshott Vale
II* Georgian house. Early C18 (1731), with early C20 small extensions and minor
alterations. East and south elevations have brick walls in Flemish bond with blue
headers, and flush red quoins and rubbed cambered arches, moulded 1st floor band
(south elevation), plinth, stone cills: the north and west elevations have coursed
sandstone walls, galletted, with brick quoins, plain 1st floor band (west eleva-
tion), plinth, stone cills, the tall arched staircase window having slender brick
pilasters with moulded caps and basis: later extensions have similar details.
Hipped tile roof, moulded cornice, flat-roofed dormers, hips to extensions.
Symmetrical east front of two storeys and attic 2.1.2 windows (the narrower windows
flanking the upper light of the projecting centrepiece now filled): sashes in
exposed frames. Porch of two columns two pilasters, with Ionic order with modil-
lions, dentils and diagonal volutes to the capitals of the plain columns, open
pediment with panelled soffit, doorway with cambered head enclosing a decorative
fanlight, above a 6-panelled door, all above a flight of three stone steps with
moulded fronts. The west elevation is symmetrical of two storeys and attic, five
windows (the central being narrower), with similar features, a Doric doorcase with
segmental pediment and fluted pilasters, now filled with a window; to the north
side is a lower extension (c.1900), of similar details, with a two-storeyed angular
bay. Sashes in exposed frames, the two ground-floor windows on the east side being
a C20 replacement of a Victorian bay. Interior: original features include three
rooms with pinewood panelling, pinewood oval arch in the hallway flanked by Doric
pilasters, staircase and stone floor to the hall. The east front has sloping and
curving flank walls of stone, ending in square piers, capped by ornamental vases.
Listing NGR: SU8394433179
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