SU 51 SE
6/9 New Place (Shirrell Heath)
I Country house. 1906, by Lutyens. Walls of red brickwork (of special dimensions)
in Flemish bond, moulded plinth band, hood moulds, parapet moulding, mouldings to
the chamfered window frames (with mullions and mullions and transoms). Tile roof.
A formal design of Jacobean style, with symmetrical elevations, and consistent use
of details. South-east front of two storeys, projecting two storeyed porch and
three storeyed projecting wings with full-height bays, windows. Casements
of a small standard size presented as mullioned or mullioned and transomed lights
in a variety of multiple forms, the smallest in the 1st floor of the bays (group
of 4) and the ground-floor of the recessed centre (wider group of 2), of double
height at the ground and 2nd floors of the bays (group of 4) and 1st floor of the
recessed centre (wider group of 2). In the centre are coupled double height
windows above a semi-circular arch of triple mouldings, the wall face having
projected decoration and quoins. The south west elevation is wider, of similar
details, with outer bays and a more elaborate (half-decagon) bay in the recessed
centre; 3.2.3 storeys, 2.1.2 windows. The north east front is similar, but the
recessed centre has a catslide roof with hipped dormers, meeting a single-storeyed
service wing extending at right-angles for some distance. The porch has a brick
barrel vault, and leads to a passage which crosses the full width of the house,
having a plaster barrel vault. A feature of the interior is a large room (the
Bristol Room), which is lined with panelling, has an elaborate doorway and a carved
stone overmantel and fireplace, and a richly-ornamented plaster ceiling with
pendants: all these features (c1630) being re-used from a house in Bristol; a fine
carved staircase, panelling in another room, and a stone fireplace, also come from
Bristol. The building is notable for representing the change from the early Arts
and Crafts style to the formal classical style of country house.
Listing NGR: SP5570317739
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