SY 19 NW 7/140 Shermans Farmhouse 22.2.55 II* Farmhouse. Dated 1575, minor C20 alterations. Rendered, probably flint rubble;
slate roofs, hipped at left end of main range, gabled at right end, gabled at end of
wing; south lateral stack, right end stack with a stone shaft with ashlar quoins,
projecting end stack to wing with a similar shaft, probably secondary lateral stack
on north elevation.
Plan: L plan, probably a single phase building and unusual for that reason. The
main range, on a west/east axis, is 4 rooms wide with a through passage and a rear
(south) stair projection. The south side, now the rear of the house, may have been
the original entrance elevation; front left (north-east) wing at right angles.
Sherman's farmhouse is larger than the conventional vernacular house of the region
and the plan form is of particular historic interest. The hall to the left of the
cross passage, is heated by the lateral stack; the left end of the main range is
divided between a small unheated service room and a passage leading to the stair cell
at the extreme east end. The right end room may have been the kitchen (evidence of a
void adjacent to the stack which may be a smoking chamber) and is linked to the cross
passage by an original axial rear (south) passage which also gives access to the
stair projection. In front of the axial passage a small room, probably originally
unheated, with an inserted corner stack. The front left wing may have been the
parlour wing, with a high status chamber above. The parlour wing is now in use as
the kitchen, the right end room is used for agricultural purposes.
Exterior: 2 storeys. Asymmetrical 4 window north front with an C18 or C19 front door
to the through passage with a moulded oak doorframe. Date of 1575 on the front to
the left. Good set of ovolo-moulded and chamfered mullioned windows; a 5-light
ovolo-moulded window to the left of the front door, 3 first floor chamfered mullioned
windows to first floor left, 4-light ovolo-moulded mullioned window to first floor
right, a 1-light window to ground floor right. There is a separate door into the
right hand room. The inner return of the wing has a ground floor 5-light ovolo-
moulded mullioned window and a similar 4-light window above, door into wing at
junction with main range. The right return of the main range has a C20 doorway
broken through the stack. The rear (south) elevation has a C19 rear door to the
passage, glazed at the top with a stair projection to the left. Set of 2- and 3-
light casements, C19 or C20 with glazing bars.
Interior: Very unspoiled with a fine set of chamfered doorframes on the ground and
first floors. The hall retains C17 panelling (painted white) to the left (east)
side, the axial passage has chamfered beams with scroll stops and the west end room
has a chamfered stopped crossbeam and the remains of a rendered-over plank and muntin
screen on the east side. Original chamfered doorframe to the stair in the
projection; 2-tier balustrade with moulded balusters to the winder stair in the east
end stair cell. The north-east wing has a good moulded stone chimney-piece on the
first floor.
Roof: Complete set of probable cruck trusses, with mortised collars, butt purlins and
a new ridge. The collars of the trusses have holes drilled in the centre, possibly
for assembly. A plastered partition projects into the roofspace at the east end
suggesting that the stair cell originally had a higher ceiling. The trusses over the
wing are similar to those over the main range.
A fine, large-scale traditional house, said to have been the home of Robert Sherman
who built or remodelled Town Farmhouse (q.v.) in 1600. The survival of the early
windows is unusual and the interior is of interest both for its plan form and visible
early features: other features may be concealed by later wall plaster.
Listing NGR: SY1273497560
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