A linhay of C16/C17 date with earlier origins and later adaptations.
Reasons for Designation
The linhay immediately west of Membury Court, Membury, Devon is listed at Grade II for the following principal reasons:
* Architectural interest: a well-articulated linhay with stone quoins and external stone steps to one end;
* Historic interest: for its association with the early medieval Manor House site at Membury, and as an early Devon linhay;
* Group value: an important historic farmstead, including a medieval hall house and an early-C14 chapel.
There is evidence of Romano-British occupation in the vicinity of Membury Court (qv), and a villa site was excavated in the field to the north of the Cider Barn/ Chapel (qv) in 2014. At Domesday (1086), Membury Court was the manor house of the Manor of Membury, and was given to Goldcliff Priory in Monmouthshire by owner Robert de Chandos in 1113. The earliest surviving fabric within Membury Court, parts of the medieval hall house roof, probably dates to the late C14 or early C15. The major rebuilding of the house took place in c.1580-1650, and further alterations were carried out in the C18 and C19, and later. The linhay (or linney) is the earliest farm building on the site, the east section probably being of circa C15 date and the west section being late C16 or early C17. Two bays and a post remain in the rear wall from the original side-pegged jointed cruck truss. It appears to have been an early form of linhay, pre-dating other known examples by about 200 years. Originally it faced south, but was ‘turned around’ when the building was extended to the west. The building is possibly the “cowhouse with loft over it” described in a 1649-50 survey, and is probably that described as “stable, cart hovel and linney oxhouse” in a survey of 1795. It is shown on historic maps from the 1840 tithe onwards. During the C19 and C20 there were alterations made in red brick and concrete block, primarily to the north elevation. A lean-to shelter was built along the south elevation in the late C20. The most recent use of the building was as a lofted stable to the east and an open-fronted wagon shed to the west.
A farm building including a linhay and wagon shed, of circa C15 (east) and C16/C17 (west) date, with later alterations. MATERIALS: rubble stone and flint with dressed stone quoins and timber roof structure. The floors are cobble stone. PLAN: constructed on an east-west axis, the building is rectangular on plan. EXTERIOR: the main elevation faces north. To the centre are two plank doors with strap hinges. The bays to the right are open with a central post supporting the roof. At the east end is a set of stone external steps to a loft door. At the west end is a large rising stone buttress. The roof is covered in corrugated iron. INTERIOR: the building is divided by a cross wall (the original west end wall of the medieval linhay) up to loft height. To the west the bays are a full-height wagon shed and there are the remains of a cruck post in the rear wall. To the east of the stone crosswall are three face-pegged cruck posts, part of the original roof structure, with some evidence that the upper level was built of cob. The east end is lofted with stalls to the ground floor, two secondary rubble stone partition walls, and a cobble floor. The roof has a double ridge and four sets of purlins.
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