TL 0702 (West side)
13/151 No. 56 (Langley House)
22.10.52 with adjoining outbuildings
(formerly listed as Langley House) - II* House with outbuildings. Later C16 central part with W crosswing, and
contemporary stable range at W now linked to centre, c.1720 E block,
with C19 rear link block with new entrance on N, and N and S end
extensions of W stable range. Timber frame to centre brick cased, and to
W stable range brick cased on W but white weatherboarded to yard on E.
Red and grey brick chequer to E block with red brick dressings. Red
brick link block behind. Steep old red tile roofs, hipped on E front
block with wooden dentilled eaves cornice. A T-shaped group, with the
crossbar a 1½ storeys W stable range, a lower tiled link joins this to a
2-storeys C16 central part. A taller 2-storeys brick part links this to
the fine 2-storeys C18 E block, formerly with its entrance front on the
E facing the street. The stable range has a small white weatherboarded
cupola and spike finial, a 3-light flat roofed dormer window on E, a
small leaded casement above 3 coach house doors, jowled bay posts with
straight braces to cambered tie-beams of collar trusses with clasped
purlin roof and straight wind braces. S garden front of central part has
2 4-light small-paned casement windows to 1st floor and flush box 6/6
sash window to ground floor. Tilehung gable on N side. A passage and E
stair occupy the E end of the range but decorative plaster vine-scroll
casing to the soffit of the beam in the passage is a continuation of
that on the crossed beams over the large room which occupies the whole
of the rest of the ground floor including the W crosswing. This has
scratch moulded oak panelling, a chamfered 4-centred arched brick W
fireplace with fine Jacobean arcaded overmantle with fluted Ionic
pilasters and dentilled frieze. More elaborate 3-centred arched ovolo
moulded brick fireplace in moulded brick square surround in room above
with quadrant shaped chamfered jowls to bay posts, slender straight
braces, wide-spaced wall studs, queen-post trusses to clasped-purlin
roof with straight wind braces and face-halved bladed scarf joint in
wallplate. 3 cockspur hinges to panelled door. The formal E front of the
E block is 5 windows wide with plinth, moulded floorboard, white
dentilled eaves cornice, moulded brick apron to 1st floor central
window, and matching window inserted in the place of the former central
door in the C19. Segmental gauged red arches to flush box sash windows
with glazing bars. Good panelled interiors with cornices, shutters,
corner fireplaces to smaller SE room in front of moulded closed string
stair with turned balusters, moulded handrail and matching dado.
Panelling and simple fire surrounds in 1st floor rooms. N end of E block
has 3 bays of matching blank recesses with dummy C18 door surround
central. Slightly advanced 3 bay C19 rear link of same height with brick
dentilled eaves. 2 6/6 flush box sash windows above early C19 half
glazed 4-panel door with pilasters and moulded transom below an ornate
fanlight under a segmental gauged arch.
Listing NGR: TL0718902553
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