630-1/12/510 (East side)
12/03/55 Nos.1-23 (Consecutive)
Lansdown Terrace, Evelyn Court,
Regan House, attached railings and
mews archway
(Formerly Listed as:
(East side)
Nos.1-22 (Consecutive)
Regan House, Lansdown Terrace (11-17
now 1-19 Evelyn Court) and 2 mews
archways) GV II* Includes: Nos.1-19 EVELYN COURT.
Includes: Nos.1-10 AND 18-22 LANSDOWN TERRACE.
Terrace of 23 houses, now houses and flats, with mews arch and
attached area railings to Nos 7 and 22 and railings to right
boundary of No.1. c1832. Architects RW and C Jearrad.
PLAN: terrace of 22 houses joined to further house at left by
mews arch. Double-depth plan with side stairwells and with
service ranges to rear.
EXTERIOR: ashlar over brick with slate roof and ashlar
party-wall stacks; wrought-iron railings; ashlar balustrades.
4 storeys on basement, 2 first-floor windows per house. Richly
detailed facades have stepped breakforwards, the main feature
being a 2-storey rectangular bay surmounted by dentil
pediment, with wide corniced window to second floor and mock
thermal window above. The entrances to Nos 2 and 3, 4 and 5, 6
and 7 and 9 and 10 are paired, otherwise mainly to left; to
paired houses the entrances are set back behind a pillared
portico which continues across ground floor windows forming
loggias. Flights of steps (roll-edged where original) to
mainly 4-panel doors (some part-glazed) with overlights with
glazing bars. Above loggias, to first floor are dentil
pedimented rectangular bays with outer pairs of Ionic columns
and lattice balustrade between, continuing as 'loggia' across
centre windows with Doric pilasters, solid balustrade and
continuous architrave, frieze and cornice. Otherwise, the
design is similar, but without porticos and first-floor
loggias: doorcases have pilasters with frieze and cornice,
surmounted to first-floor by similar architrave with pilasters
on plinths and apron. Other detailing includes third-floor
window above pedimented bay with cornice on consoles; cornice
over second and third floors and blocking course with copings.
Windows: ground floor has mainly tripartite windows, 6/6
between 2/2 sashes some of which are inserted into loggias as
bays, similarly to first-floor pedimented bays, otherwise
first-floor has 8/8 and 6/6 sashes. Second floor: corniced
windows are tripartite 6/6 between 2/2 sashes, otherwise 3/3
sashes. Third floor has tripartite 3/6 between 1/2 sashes in
elliptically-arched surrounds to main bays, and 3/6 sashes.
Basement: tripartite windows with 6/6 between 2/2 sashes where
Return to south has ground-floor entrance to No.1 in
rectangular bay with paired pilasters, 4-panel double doors
with side-lights and overlight with glazing bars; to first
floor a pedimented rectangular bay with paired Ionic columns;
then 2 full-height window-bays and 2-storey, 2-window range
(with first-floor sill band and crowning cornice and blocking
course) which abuts tall and wide Mews Arch to side of No.1
(qv); mews arch at north end between Nos 22 and 23 (Regan
Rear: many original 8/8 sashes, some with margin lights.
INTERIOR: photographs dated 1988 (conservation office) show
No.21 has embellished cornices; plaque with horse-riders to
hallway and marble fireplace; marble fireplace with Ionic
columns to rear, first-floor room; otherwise not inspected.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: Railings to south abutting No.1 have
spearhead bars and stick dog-bars. Area railings to No.7 have
embellished rods. No.21 has tent hood on brackets. Balustrades
with bulbous balusters to sides of steps and to areas.
HISTORICAL NOTE: RW and C Jearrad bought the Lansdown
development from Pearson Thompson c1830 and continued building
to their own designs.
The most impressive example in Cheltenham of a terrace of
quasi semi-detached houses (qqv Nos 114-124 Bath Road and Nos
27-32 Montpellier Villas), giving the impression of linked
pavilions, a type conceived in the late C18 as an integral
part of the Picturesque ideal in urban planning (qv The
Paragon, Black Heath, London, 1793).
Verey describes this as the `most original terrace in
Cheltenham', and an important part of the overall setting in
Malvern Place.
Forms an architectural unit with Mews Arch to side of No.1
Lansdown Terrace, Malvern Road (qv). Nos 11-17 now known as
Evelyn Court (Nos 1-19 (consecutive)).
(The Buildings of England: Verey D: Gloucestershire: The Vale
and The Forest of Dean: London: 1970-: 142; Country Life
16.1.1926; Radford S: The Terraced Houses of Cheltenham
1800-1850: 1992-: 84-92). Listing NGR: SO9412822060
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Books and journals Radford, S, The Terraced Houses of Cheltenham 1880-1850, (1992), 84-92 Verey, D , The Buildings of England: Gloucestershire 2 The Vale and The Forest of Dean, (1970), 142 'Country Life' in 21 December, (1912) 'Country Life' in 16 January, (1926)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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