774-1/6/164 (North side)
25/09/72 Eastney Beam Engine Museum
(Formerly Listed as:
The Pumphouse, Boiler House &
Chimney, Portsmouth Corporation
Pumping Station) GV II Pump house, boiler house and chimney, formerly part of
Portsmouth Corporation Pumping Station, now Eastney Beam
Engine Museum. 1887. Buildings and Beam Engine restored c1980.
By Sir Frederick Bramwell. Red brick in Flemish bond, yellow
brick and stone dressings. Steep pitched Welsh slate roofs.
Boiler house has roof ventilators.
EXTERIOR: 2 storeys and attic, basement to pump house. Boiler
house and pump house, each have 4 bays.
On right side of the north elevation is the taller pump house
with flanking pilaster quoin strips each with weathered blue
brick plinth, yellow brick bands and terminating at eaves with
plain stone cap. Stone coped facing gable. At centre the
entrance is approached by 5 stone steps with flanking low
curved brick and stone coped wall with terminating piers;
recessed 2-leaf moulded 6-panelled door with radial glazed
fanlight, flanking fluted stone Doric pilasters, outer yellow
gauged brick round arch with keystone bearing the City of
Portsmouth crest, recessed inner gauged red brick round arch.
Flanking the entrance are 2 brick stepped buttresses rising to
above first floor window heads with weathered stone caps. On
left and right is a 30-pane metal casement with radial glazing
at head set under gauged yellow brick round arch with
keystone. Yellow brick bands run across below sill level
and at impost level of ground and first floor casements. On
first floor are four 20-pane metal casements, each set under
flat stone lintel with splayed arris, stone sill. Attic has 3
closely set metal casements, each set under yellow gauged
brick round arch with keystone, central casement 24-panes with
radial glazing to head, flanking casements similar but
shorter, each with 12-panes and radial glazing. To rear the
south elevation is similar in all respects. Right return
facing west has 4 bays with similar details but with 2 brick
dormers, each with facing stone coped gale and stone ball
On left of pump house is the boiler house with paired facing
stone coped gables with stone ball finials, flanking and
centre quoin strips similar to pump house. 4 blinded entrances
each set under gauged yellow brick segmental arch. On first
floor are four 20-pane metal casements, each with round radial
glazed head set under gauged yellow brick round arch with
keystone. Within each of the paired gables is a circular
radial glazed casement set within gauged yellow brick circular
arch and with keystone at top, bottom and sides. At rear of
boiler house on west elevation is a recessed boarded entrance
door with fanlight set under yellow gauged brick round arch
with keystone.
To left of boiler house is a circular red brick chimney set on
octagonal base with blue and yellow brick over- sailing
courses. 9 iron bands fixed to chimney and 1 to base.
INTERIOR: internally the pump house has cast-iron columns
supporting structure with cat walks. The beam engine was
restored c1980 and is in working order as part of the
industrial museum. Pump house, boiler house and chimney form a
group with the engine house and gas engine house (qqv).
(Lloyd DW: Buildings of Portsmouth and its Environs:
Portsmouth: 1974-: 108). Listing NGR: SZ6658898977
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Books and journals Lloyd, D W , Buildings of Portsmouth and its Environs, (1974), 108
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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