SS21SE BRADWORTHY CP BLATCHBOROUGH 5/10 South Blatchborough Farmhouse
(formerly listed as
Blatchborough House and
Farmhouse) 14.2.58
II Farmhouse enlarged as shooting box. C18 farmhouse with C19 outshot, early-mid C19
shooting box addition by Calmady family. Random rubble local stone, rendered full-height
bay to shooting box, roughcast on facade of farmhouse, roofs of different pitches to
each block, very shallow pitch bitumenised slate roof to shooting box with decorative
fretted pelmet to eaves, similar to gabled porch, asbestos slates to farmhouse, rendered
stack left gable end, residual rebuilt C20 stack right, C20 stack to right of small
centre block, C19 painted brick stack right gable end of farmhouse. Plan: original 2-cell
and cross passage farmhouse linked by 2 bay block to shooting box, continous outshot at
rear of farmhouse; shooting box U-plan, main reception rooms on either side of central
corridor, stairs rising against rear wall centre flanked by wings linked by single
storey range. Shooting box: 2 storeys, 3 bays, all wooden windows, wooden mullioned and
transomed with pointed arches to upper lights, full-height canted bay left, french
windows ground floor right of porch, double doors, panelled and half-glazed with 2-light
pointed arch lights. Left return, remains of simple 3-bay verandah with timber posts.
Mullioned and transomed window on rear elevation much eroded. Farmhouse 2:3 bays, late
C19 casements and mid C20 windows, gabled porch, plank door. Interior of shooting box
partially sighted: cast iron balusters with scrolled heart motif, now gilded, swept back
with mahogany handrail; panelled shutters to front room right, 1930s chimneypiecce, also
in front room left, moulded architraves to doors. Interior of farmhouse not seen. The
previous list gives a date of 1822 for the shooting box.
Listing NGR: SS2852414069
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