SX 6451-6551
(off South End)
Nos 1-6 (inclusive)
Poundwell House II Large detached house, now in six dwellings. Early mid C18. Rendered, slate
roofs, brick stacks. A broad and shallow main symmetrical block, with long back
wing, and cross wing at far end. Front is 3 storeys, 7 windows, all 12-pane,
sashes; at ground floor with projecting keystone beneath plain string course,
and at first floor to sunk aprons. Central 6-panel fielded door with transome
light with Y-bars, set to pilaster surround with flat hood to moulded edge, on
consoles. End pilasters with bases and caps, continuous cornice, blocking
course and coping; gable stacks. Right return has plain gable end, then
2-storey and attic block in 3:1:3 windows, slightly set back from gable; at far
end is brought forward gabled wing. Ground floor has a canted flat-roofed bay
With 8:12:8-pane sash, and a paired 12-pane sash; at first floor are six 12-pane
sashes and a small central single light. Far left, adjoining front block a
deep-set part-glazed C19 door with transome light, and at centre panel door to
segmental transome light, both of these in pointed flat surrounds. Gable end to
wing has 12-pane sashes flanking a C16 basket-handle door surround with part-
glazed door, at first floor is a canted oriel to flat roof and moulded cornice,
and in the gable a plain shield. Margin paned sash to main stair window.
Interior inspected in part only. No 1 retains an oak newel, stair with solid
string and heavy turned balusters; one bolection mould doorcase with mahogany
door, some excellent bolection mould panelling. No 2 has a granite fire
surround, an elliptical C18 recess, A-frame roof of slight members.
Listing NGR: SX6583451516
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