SX 54 NW BRIXTON STEER POINT 8/261 Steer Point Lodge II Detached house with boathouse. Early C19, possibly on site of earlier building.
Rubble, some slate hanging, slate roof. An L-plan lodge with boathouse at river
level under main block; two gabled units with central valley gutter. One storey
and attic, plus lower boathouse; main front, to south has central projecting
porch with decorative barge-board above a granite 4-centred opening with roll
mould and square head, probably brought from elsewhere; above is a small 4-pane
casement. To left a 2-light small pane casement under similar casement in flat-
roofed dormer with slate cheeks; to the right are two 12-pane sashes with trefoil
heads to top panes, set in to slate-hung wall. Return to river front has canted
oriel with rendered corbelling, above large square opening to boathouse. On
return wall is a further 12-pane sash identical to those at front, large square
stack in internal angle and, set back on a terrace wing with pair of C20 French
doors. West front has two gables, that to left with raised slated coping; ground
floor has 2-light small pane casements flanking part-glazed C19 door under
rudimentary drip course, and in right half, a low 3-light casement, a 2-light
small-pane casement to each gable, and a C20 stainless steel flue pipe Externally, right. Back has casements under two dormers with casements, as front. Interior, through plank and batten with nail-head door has central circular wood stair, and, to right, main room with segmental plaster ceiling over brattished cornice, good 4-centred original panelled doors, and 4-centred Tudor style fireplace flanked by Tudor-head panels in low relief.
Listing NGR: SX5454949918
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