TL 80 SW
1/25 Hazeleigh Hall
GV II House. Circa 1570, incorporating part of an earlier house, altered in C18 and
c.1900. Timber framed, plastered with some exposed framing, roofed with red
clay tiles (handmade at the front, machine-made at the rear). 6 bays facing W,
with axial stack one bay from left end and rear stack one bay from right end.
C16 rear wing at left end, with external stack at end, and C18 single-storey
weatherboarded extension beyond. 2 C18 rear wings to right of it, forming a
continuous group across the rear. 2 storeys with attics. 5-window range of
triple sashes, c.1900, and 2 more in gabled dormers. Half-glazed 4-panel door
with gabled canopy on brackets, c.1900. Bargeboards of the same period on this
and both dormers. Both stacks have grouped diagonal shafts, c.1900. The attic
gable of the left return has exposed close studding, and an original 4-light
window of early glazed type, with 3 hollow-moulded mullions and one of 4 diamond
saddle bars, with modern glazing. Jowled posts, chamfered axial and transverse
beams with step stops, plain joists of horizontal section. The right bay has 2
sets of jowled posts, one inside the other, and a floor structure which confirms
that an earlier and narrower building is incorporated in the present building,
probably the crosswing of a hall house which formerly extended to the rear. The
left ground-floor room is fully lined with oak panelling, c.1600, and the room
above it is lined with painted panelling of uncertain date. Butt-purlin roof
with high collars and straight wind-bracing incorporating some smoke-blackened
rafters of a medieval hall. Floor of left rear wing rebuilt in C18. Manor
house. RCHM 2.
Listing NGR: TL8369603799
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