SP 72 SW QUAINTON DODDERSHALL 1/58 Doddershall House 25.10.51 GV II*
Large house. N.E. and S.E. wings built early C16 for Thomas Pigott,
Sergeant-at-law; S.W. wing dated T.P.L. 1689 on rainwater heads; early
C19 alterations. S.E. wing has timber frame with close studding and
curved tension braces exposed inside but is partly rebuilt in brick and
externally covered with roughcast. S.W. wing is of chequer brick,
also mostly roughcast with moulded string course and wooden eaves cornice.
N.E. wing rebuilt in brick early C19. Old tile roofs, brick chimneys
some with octagonal shafts. Leaded casements, those in S.E. wing with
moulded wooden mullions and transoms, some old. Now U-plan but formerly
a courtyard house, the N.W. wing removed late C18. Long S.E. front has
smoothly rendered quoins, moulded wooden eaves cornice with modillions,
and irregular C16 plaster medallion panels with profile heads and heraldic
badges. 2 wooden shields with Pigott arms set between right windows.
Left bay is gabled with small bind roundel at apex and moulded brick
kneelers. Fine C16 externsl chimney stack to left of centre has moulded
brick cornice, panel of rusticated brickwork and 2 octagonal brick
shafts with moulded bases and off-set heads. To right of centre is a
2-storey porch projection with gable on carved wooden scroll brackets,
ornamental bargeboards, C20 glazed doors in architrave frame, and oval windows
to sides. Chimney and porch are repeated on N.W. side, the chimney either
added or rebuilt C19. S.W. wing has 2-storey porch projection with
parapet, 6 bays of large cross windows to left and 2 bays of 2-light
windows to right. Narrow 2-storey passage extension on courtyard side.
Courtyard side of S.E. wing has C19 2-storey canted bay window with
arched lights and Tudor hoodmoulds to left, and triple gabled porch
projection with large lancet windows flanking door. C19 doorcase with
re-set carved wooden spandrels.
Interior: S.E. wing contains hall with moulded cross beams, cornice and
moulded jowled main posts. Hall also has frieze of C15 and C16 carved
wooden figures, and moulded stone fireplace with 4-centred arch,
cornice and some C16 - C17 carved panels to left. 2 other rooms to
ground floor of this wing have deeply chamfered cross beams and C16 find
C18 panelled doors. Small staircase with turned balusters. Room above
hall has large plain wooden panels, frieze similar to that of hall, late C16
door of 2 enriched panels, and moulded stone fireplace with 4-centred
arch, carved spandrels and surround of C18 wooden strips carved with flowers.
This room and others to first floor have moulded cross or spine beams.
Staircase hall in S.W. wing has much re-sited panelling: some with C16-
early C17 carving, some linenfold, some C15 with blind cusped tracery,
and some late C17 carved festoons of fruit and flowers. Moulded
stone fireplace. Fine staircase, late C17-early C18, with twisted
balusters, pulvinated string, moulded handrail and newel posts with re-used
carved figures to sides and C15 poppyhead finials. 2 heraldic panels on landing
with arms and initials of Pigottfamily. Drawing room and room above in
S. W. wing have very good late C17 bolection panelling and moulded
cornices. First floor room in S.E. corner with later C18 wood-grained
panelling and moulded wooden fireplace. House is on moated site.
RCHM II p.243-5 Mon. 7 VCH IV p.93.
Listing NGR: SP7201920143
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Books and journals Page, W, The Victoria History of the County of Buckingham, (1927) Page, W, The Victoria History of the County of Buckingham, (1927), 93Other An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire Volume Two North, (1913)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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