ST 6412 LONGBURTON VILLAGE 10/96 Well Cottage GV II Detached cottage. C16 core, with later raising of eaves, and C19 and C20
refenestration. Rubble-stone walls. Thatch roof with gable-ends. Stone
stack at left hand gable, and on ridge right of centre. 2 storeys. 4 windows,
ground floor; 2-light, 2-light, 3-light (C20), 2-light, wood casements with
glazing-bars. 3-light iron casements in wood frames over. Front door, left
of centre, plank, C20. Interior: plank-and.-muntin screen with integral
door head to south end room, C16. Straight-chamfered muntins with intact
top and bottom rails. Fireplace in hall, at right-angles to front wall
and abutting it: timber straight-chamfered jambs C16 and fitting timber
depressed-arch head, C16. Dog-leg staircase with door, on rear wall opposite
fireplace jamb. Fireplace on south end wall, with rubble-stone jambs and
cambered wood lintel, C17 insertion. First floor large stack embrasures,
staggered, on end wall, and at centre of house. Roof: jointed-cruck
construction survives, with collars, with one face-peg, much strengthening
with later timber and bolted.
(RCHM. Dorset I, p.62(6))
Listing NGR: ST6472712962
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Books and journals Inventory of Dorset, (1952), 62(6)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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