ST 6008 6/133 Hamlet house,
including attached
11.7.51 Maltings and
outbuildings GV II* House, with attached maltings and outbuildings. House C17, enlarged in C18,
maltings and outbuildings early Cl9. House has rubble stone walls, slate
roof with stone eaves courses and coped gables, plastered end stacks. 2
storeys. Early C19 ashlar stone porch with coped gable and 4-centred arched
doorway with C20 glazed door. Inner door has 4-centred arch in square frame
and C18 panelled door. Datestone over - T and XXK 1688. Ground floor has
3 stone-mullioned windows with hoodmoulds and casements with horizontal
glazing bars. First floor has 4 similar windows without hoodmoulds. Added
rear range, C18, forming double-pile plan with parallel ridges. Internally,
Parlour, at left end, has deep chamfered ceiling beams with added C18
mouldings. Hall, in centre (now one room with Parlour) has moulded intersecting
beams. Kitchen, at right end, has original rear door, in 4-centred arch. C18
cut string stair with spandril brackets, turned balusters and wreathed handrail.
Maltings, attached to house on right, has date stone 1816. This has rubble
stone walls and thatched roof. 3 storeys. On ground floor, flush door at
left end, 2 casements with horizontal glazing bars and one shuttered window.
On first floor, a pair of loft doors, one casement with horizontal glazing
bars and 2 shuttered windows. On second floor, 3 casements, one with lead
lights, one with centre-bar, and one shuttered. Interior survives largely
intact. Original plastered floor, kiln, steeping vat and grain hoppers.
Attached to maltings at rear, a single-storey dairy, probably early C19.
Rubble stone walls and slate roof. Ledged door and one casement with glazing
bars. Attached to this at rear a 2-storeyed outbuilding, of rubble stone with
slate roof. Ledged door. 2 casements on each floor, those on first floor
With cast iron glazing. Stone steps to first floor on end gable wall. A good
group. (RCHM Monument 33 Dorset. Vol. I) Listing NGR: ST6000508686
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Books and journals Inventory of Dorset, (1952)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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