ST 6220 -
15/128 Jerrards, with attached
service range and
11.7.51 pigeon-house
- II*
House with attached outbuildings. C16 core to south end of house.
C17 rebuilding to north of this, with date 1616 on porch. C17
service-wing to south. C20 extension of house to north. Rubble-stone
walls. Stone slate roof, with stone gable-copings, and C20 gable to
front at right hand. Two storeys, and attics. 3 windows to original
house, excluding services, hollow-chamfered stone mullions to ground
floor, ovolo-moulded to first floor. C16 window to left of porch, of
4 lights with separate label. Two 2-light C17 windows right of porch
with separate moulded cornices. C20 metal casements with lead lights.
The gabled porch has an outer archway with moulded jambs, inposts and
a round head with strapwork ornament. Above it is a band of strapwork
ornament, dated, and a cornice. In the gable is a lozenge-shaped panel
with a shield of arms of Gerrard. Inner doorway with moulded jambs and
depressed-arch head, C17. Door, plank-and-muntin, studded, C17 with C20
renewal. The west front has two small gabled wings of 3 storeys, C17.
The north wing has 4-light mullions, the lowest transomed. The south
staircase wing has 2- and 3-light mullions, the top-most being pedimented.
A C2O wall joins the two wings. Plinth mouldings and strings over the
first floor windows. Attached service-range at south end, same materials
with a stone stack on the gable end. 2 storeys. 3 windows, 2- and
3-lights stone mullions having C20 metal casements with lead lights.
The doorway, left of centre has moulded jambs and a depressed-arch head,
C17. C20 plank door, studded and with strap-hinges. Pigeon-house,
attached at south-east corner of service-range has rubble-stone walls
and a gabled Roman-tile roof. North elevation has a 2-light stone
mullion window, and a door, with moulded jambs and depressed-arch head.
Plank door, studded and with strap hinges. There is a flight of 10
Blue Lias stone steps up to a studded plank door, at first floor level
on the east wall. Interior of the house: Entrance hall has on the
back wall a C17 fireplace with moulded jambs and 4-centred arch in a
square head. C17 doorways. The writing room in one of the west wings
has a C17 fireplace and some re-used panelling. The C20 wing has a
reset C17 fireplace with moulded jambs and depressed arch in a square
head, with a band of conventional carving above. (RCHM, Dorset I,
p 198(3)).
Listing NGR: ST6206220489
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Legacy System:
Books and journals Inventory of Dorset, (1974), 198
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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