Bridge over River Frome. Early C17 origin, lengthened in late C17, C18 and C19. Repaired 1956.
Reasons for Designation
Holme Bridge, of early C17 origin, lengthened in late C17, C18 and C19, and repaired in 1956, is listed at Grade II* for the following principal reasons: * Architectural interest and date: it is a particularly interesting and relatively rare survival of a bridge originating from the early C17 that displays particularly high quality architectural detailing and use of different materials;
* Historic Interest: its historic phasing as expressed in its repairs, extensions and modifications over successive centuries, and arguably the C20 too, reflect the particularly high level significance, evolution and development of this important route;
* Intactness: the bridge, despite having had some parts of its parapet rebuilt, has survived remarkably intact.
Earlier bridges, dating from the 13th and 15th centuries, are believed to have occupied this site, though no fabric appears to have survived above ground or within the current bridge. The oldest part of the bridge probably dates from the early C17. In July 1674 at the Quarter Sessions the bridge was presented as being in great decay, and it was probably soon afterwards that a fourth segmental stone arch was built to the north. In the C18 an arch was added at the north end, and in the C19 a further one at the south end. In 1945 Holme Bridge was damaged by military transport and in 1951 a Bailey Bridge was built immediately to its east. In 1956, Holme Bridge was restored by Dorset County Council and the Ministry of Works. In 1963 the Bailey Bridge was replaced with the current bridge, superseding the original Holme Bridge.
Six-span bridge over the River Frome. Early C17 origin, lengthened in late C17, C18 and C19 and repaired in 1956. MATERIALS: the earlier part of the structure is built of limestone and car-stone, lengthened with parapets rebuilt (1956) in brick with stone copings. The oldest section has 3 stone arches of 2 orders - the central one higher - and springs from plain piers. The arch to the north, added in the late C17, is plain and built in stone, and that added in the C18 is built in brick. The C19 arch to the south is built in stone with brick spandrels. The west parapet has five cut-waters - also forming refuges - whilst the east has only two cut-waters.
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Books and journals An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Dorset. Vol. 3, (1970), Vol. 2, part 2, p275 McFetrich, D, Parsons, J, Discover Dorset Bridges, (1998), 7, 18Other Information and documents of the Ministry of Works, relating to the scheduling of Holme Bridge, File ref. AA 60624/2 Now held by the National Archive
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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