NZ 34 SW
(East side)
7/10 Ramside Hall
II House, now hotel. Circa 1820 for Pemberton family, incorporating earlier
house. Pebbledashed render with some brick revealed on parapets; ashlar
dressings; roof not visible. Gothic style. 2 storeys, 5 bays with one-storey,
one-bay right and left extensions, set-back 2-storey, 5-bay left wing and set-
back 3-storey, 1-bay right wing, of 2-storey height. Gothic style. Central
2-storey, 3-bay half-octagonal projection has 4 octagonal pilasters and
battlemented parapet. 3 wide Tudor-arched openings contain double doors with
side and overlights. Similar heads to 12-pane sashes in returns and 16-pane
sashes over doors, all with Tudor-arched top lights. Similar glazing in
tripartite ground-floor and 12-pane first-floor sashes in first bay, and
3-light window at top of right extension. Square tower at left end, blank
narrow left extension, higher square tower at right end,with corbelled parapet
and central projection,all have flat stone copings. Plain battlements over
low right extension. Set-back left wing mostly obscured by front additions
but corbelled parapet of round rear tower can be seen. Rear elevation 2
storeys, 10 bays, in more regular style: square left corner tower, and round
towers projecting from fifth bay and right end bay. Dripmould over Tudor-
arched door in central tower, with blind cross arrow slit above flanked by
sashes; plainer door of similar shape in right end, both half-glazed; sashes
in same style as those of front, except for 2 French windows to left of
centre. Lower left embattled projection conceals part of left tower, and is
obscured by c.1980 conservatory. Circa 1920 conservatory in front of 5 right
Interior: thicker walls and lower ceilings suggest 3-storey earlier house in
right bay, with c.l.7-metres thick rear wall, possibly former chimney. In
this bay, left wall has dripmould over Tudor-arched door with panelled soffit,
flanked by narrow Gothic lights (probably side entrance to early C19 house)
and dentilled stucco ceiling cornice in small square hall to which this door
gave access. Main entrance leads to full-height open hall with curved stair
at left leading to 3-sided gallery; ceiling removed to reveal double-ridge
king-post roof of C19 character. 6-panel doors, some with panelled reveals,
in fluted architraves with corner paterae.
Listing NGR: NZ3127644576
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