Former stables, now house. Built in the C17 or C18, with late C20 and C21 alterations. The single-storey outbuildings to the south-east are excluded from the List entry.
Reasons for Designation
Soilwell Farm, a C17 or C18 former stable, is designated at Grade II for the following principal reasons:
* Architectural interest: it is a good example of a C17 or C18 former stable with attention to architectural detailing;
* Degree of survival: despite its conversion to domestic use the building retains a significant proportion of its historic fabric including cobbled flooring, ceiling beams and roof trusses, and its external character has been retained through the retention and reinstatement of original openings;
* Group value: it has group value with the C17 farmhouse, Soilwell Manor (Grade II) which is enhanced by its shared architectural detailing.
Soilwell Estate in Lydney, Gloucestershire is thought to date from the mid-C17. The farmhouse, known as Soilwell Manor (Grade II) is dated to 1661 and the range of farm buildings to the north-west of the house and aligned on a south-west to north-east axis may be contemporary. The estate is shown on the tithe map (1840) and the auction details for the estate, dated 1838, describe it as ‘consisting of a commodious farm house, large barn, cart and nag stables, sheep cot, granary, waggon house, shed and other suitable farm building in good repair’. Based on the form of Soilwell Farm as a two-storey building with hayloft and its external arrangement of a central door with flanking windows, it is likely that Soilwell Farm, at the north-east end of the range of former farm buildings, was the stables.
The second edition Ordnance Survey map (1903) suggests that Soilwell Farm was divided into two buildings, and it is depicted as such on subsequent historic maps, including that dated 1976. However, an historic photograph taken in 1988, suggests that it remained in agricultural use. This is supported by the previous List entry, dated 1986, which gives no indication that the building had been converted.
In the late 1980s Soilwell Farm was converted into a single dwelling.
Former stables, now house. Built in the C17 or C18, with late C20 and C21 alterations. The single-storey outbuildings to the south-east are excluded from the List entry.
MATERIALS: constructed of thin-bedded sandstone and re-roofed in double Roman pantiles. The window and door openings are set beneath wooden lintels, some renewed and most with stone drip moulding above, similar to that at Soilwell Manor. The windows are late C20 timber casements. Late C20 stone chimney stack.
PLAN: a rectangular, single-depth building of two and a half storeys.
EXTERIOR: the south-east elevation forms the entrance front. The central double-doors are flanked by windows, and to the left is the entrance door to the house; the formerly blocked door opening to the right has been partially reopened as a window. To the first floor the central lunette window has an iron grille and is set within a corbelled segmental arch, flanked by re-opened window openings. The gabled side elevation has a large ground-floor opening, and a window to the first floor and attic. The rear (north-west) elevation has two window openings at ground floor and three at first floor. To the far right is a ventilation slit to the ground floor and a single-light window to the first floor. There are two windows to the south-west gable.
INTERIOR: the entrance door is set beneath a C20 canopy and provides access to a hall with cobblestone floor and a C20 staircase with oak treads. A cupboard to the end of the hall has a brick floor, and a blocked opening to the left. To the right is the opened-up kitchen with boxed-in RSJs and re-used and original timbers. The upright posts are re-used ceiling beams. The chimney breast between the kitchen and the living room is a late C20 insertion, and the bressumer is a re-used ceiling beam. The first and second floor has been subdivided to provide additional living accommodation and incorporates RSJs, C20 and original timbers. There is an axial beam to the first floor with run-out stops. The roof has been raised but retains its principal rafters with collars and through purlins. The timbers are pegged and include carpenter’s marks. There are hooks, and remnants of machinery to some of the timbers.
Pursuant to s.1 (5A) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (‘the Act’) it is declared that the single-storey outbuildings to the south-east of Soilwell Farm are excluded from the List entry.