TL 7240-7340 RIDGEWELL
6/1 Wash Farmhouse GV II Long-jetty house, mid-C16, altered in C19 and C20. Timber framed, plastered,
roofed with interlocking concrete tiles. 3 bays aligned approximately NE-SW,
aspect SE, with external chimney stacks at both ends, C19. Single-storey rear
extension with axial chimney stack and slate roof, early C20, forming a T-plan.
2 storeys. C20 door, 4 C20 casement windows on ground floor, 3 on first floor.
4 plain brackets exposed below jetty, original, remainder covered. Some framing
exposed internally. Jowled posts, close studding. Transverse beam with double
ogee mouldings between SW bay and middle bay. In SW bay, axial beam plain-
chamfered, joists of horizontal section plain-chamfered with lamb's tongue
stops. In NE bay, joists similar, axial beam roll-moulded. In middle bay,
plain axial beam. Crownpost roof almost complete, plain crownposts with axial
braces only. This house has had a chimney in the middle bay, probably a timber
framed chimney originally, later replaced by a brick stack, but this was
removed, and the middle floor rebuilt, when it was converted to 2 cottages in
the early C19, with external chimney stacks. Later it was returned to one
house. RCHM 15.
Listing NGR: TL7233140470
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