(west side) 9/144 No. 2 (Surridge's)
31.10.66 (formerly listed in
Nos. 1/2) GV II House, now offices. Late C16, altered in C17, early C19 and C20. Timber
framed, mainly plastered, with C18 facade to rear of red and blue bricks, roofed
with handmade red plain tiles. 3-bay parallelogram plan with axis parallel with
street frontage. Large C16 stack to rear, enclosed by 2-bay rear wing, early
C17. 2 storeys and cellar. Underbuilt jetty with C20 double shopfront,
recessed central glazed door, and at right end, 6-panel door with plain
overlight, under continuous fascia. First floor, 2 sashes of 16 lights in early
C19 style. Roof hipped at left end, continuous with roof of no. 3 at right
(item 9/145, q.v.). The rear facade is of red brick in Flemish bond, part of
the lower storey re-pointed, with recessed panels of blue headers, a moulded red
brick band at first-floor level, and a plastered eaves cornice, approximately
0.40 metre higher than the timber-framed structure, with plastered short
returns; on each floor one early C19 sash of 16 lights with segmental gauged
arch, or C20 replica. Roof of rear wing hipped. On the ground floor a studded
partition between the left and middle bays has been removed; chamfered
transverse beams with lamb's tongue stops, chamfered axial bridging beams,
unstopped, and plain joists of horizontal section. 2 C20 brick piers support
the intersections, and the brick stack has been reduced in size and faced with
C20 bricks in stretcher bond. An inserted stud in the rear wall blocks the
original passage-way through at the right end. On the first floor of the main
range the smoke-blackened end truss of a former open hall is exposed in the
right wall, with paired display braces trenched into the studding. Jowled
posts. One of 2 original arched braces to the left internal tiebeam remains,
and one imitation brace, nailed. Chamfered axial bridging beams unstopped, and
plain joists of vertical section. Simple splayed and tenoned scarf in front
wallplate. The rear hearth, c.1600, has moulded and stopped jambs and moulded
depressed arch, plastered, and an original mantel beam above; concave interior.
The rear wing has jowled posts, face-halved and bladed scarfs in the wallplates,
and some exposed studding on the upper floor. The ground floor has been
extensively styled in the C18 with boxed beams and cyma mouldings of pine,
damaged by sand-blasting. On the upper floor is a doorway from the main range
to the rear wing with bolection-moulded frame and fielded panelling, all of
pine. Chamfered bridging beam with lamb's tongue and notch stops, plain joists
or vertical section. Part of RCHM 51.
Listing NGR: TL8500622599
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