(north-west side) 9/35 Nos. 5 and 7 (formerly
31.10.66 listed as Nos. 5/7
(House with shop)) GV II House, now 3 shops and a flat. Late C15 and c.1600. Timber framed, plastered
with some exposed framing and some C19/20 painted brick nogging, roofed with
handmade red plain tiles. 2-bay main range facing SE with central stack,
c.1600. 3-bay crosswing to right, late C15, rear bay altered in C19/20. C20
single-storey lean-to extension to rear of main range, roofed with red clay
pantiles. 2 storeys. 3 C20 shopfronts, that in the crosswing in Tudor style.
First floor, 3 late C19 casements in original framed apertures. Middle door
half-glazed, and 2 fully glazed doors. The main range is jettied, with an
attached moulded fascia, repaired at the right end. The studs above are
exposed, all original except one at the right end, bearing a clear series of
carpenters' assembly marks, 1 to 16; no visible bracing. The crosswing is
jettied at a slightly lower level, with exposed joists of horizontal section and
3 restored brackets. Exposed studding above with 'Suffolk' bracing, mainly
original with minor restoration. The tiebeam has a continuous roll moulding.
High collar of crownpost roof. The eaves of the 2 ranges are in line. The
studding of the crosswing is exposed at the rear and both sides. The right wall
of the rear bay has been substantially altered, is now out of line with the
remainder and has the appearance of a later extension, with brick infill, but
the internal structure confirms that the crosswing was of 3 bays from the
outset. The gablet of the main range, above the roof of the crosswing, is tile-
hung. The main range has chamfered axial beams with lamb's tongue stops, plain
joists of square and vertical section, and blocked hearths. In the central
panel between the 2 shopfronts, exposed internally, is a blocked flank window,
the mullions missing. Jowled posts. Early C17 inserted ceiling comprising
chamfered axial beams with step stops, and plain joists of vertical section
(except one of horizontal section at the right end). Clasped purlin roof
without wind-bracing. Most of the rafters of the front pitch have been severed
at the mid-point, and others added above. Some rafters are smoke-blackened from
earlier use in an open hall. The crosswing has chamfered binding beams with
step stops, and plain joists jointed to them with unrefined soffit tenons. One
plain bracket 0.10 metre wide to the front internal binding beam. This has
mortices for a missing post and brace near the left end, with mortices and
wattle grooves for a former cross-entry to the left; the rear internal binding
beam has mortices and wattle groove for a former continuous partition, implying
that it was designed originally with a shop in the front 2 bays. Blocked stair
trap in the rear bay. Edge-halved and bridled scarfs in wallplates, which are
chamfered with step stops. 2 cambered tiebeams, and one plain brace 0.10 metre
wide; the front 2 bays were open originally, with a studded partition between
this and the rear bay, now missing. Crownpost roof with axial bracing. On the
left side of the crosswing is a clear outline of the former open hall, which was
low, the eaves at present first-floor level; within the former roof the studs
are smoke-blackened, above it they are heavily weathered. RCHM 19.
Listing NGR: TL8505022644
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